A viral video featuring Indian actor Pankaj Tripathi has been circulating, claiming that he is part of a BJP campaign promoting the party’s achievements. The video allegedly shows Tripathi endorsing the BJP and its initiatives, sparking discussions about the role of celebrities in political endorsements.
The claim made is that Pankaj Tripathi is actively campaigning for the BJP in the video, suggesting his endorsement of the party’s policies and achievements. This claim is false.
Investigations revealed that the video is not related to a political campaign but is instead a promotional clip for a brand collaboration involving Tripathi. He was not endorsing any political party or its policies.
This clarification is supported by multiple sources, including:
- Boom Live
- The Quint
- India Today
This fact-check falls under the category of False Content, as it presents information that is wholly false and misleading regarding Pankaj Tripathi’s involvement in a political campaign.