Change Water Consumption Habits By Making Smarter Choices Around The Household

Change Water Consumption Habits By Making Smarter Choices Around The Household

Water has always been an important commodity, and in recent times, the need to conserve this resource has been of utmost importance. With climate change bringing forth more intense droughts, all of us should re-consider our water usage habits. The onus of saving water is not just on government bodies, but on the citizens too.

Conserving this precious resource has become necessary in all regions, even where water seems to be present in abundance. This is primarily because our water resources are finite and they are diminishing. Not only does water conservation set precedence for others to do the same, but helps save our local water bodies too. The call for conserving water is not new, but on this World Water Day on March 22, every man or woman should vow to begin water conservation from their homes first. The best part is that it isn’t as difficult.

While one might consider themselves to be frugal when it comes to using mother earth’s natural resources, one might still end up wasting more than they think. Making small habitual changes today can make our tomorrow brighter and better. We can already see the impact of stopping usage of deadly single-use plastic.

Steps like fixing leaking pipes and taps, closing taps while washing hands or brushing teeth to repurposing water that has been used for some other task can certainly add value to one’s water habits. Inside a household, people more often than not tend to use more water in their kitchens and for washing utensils. Every time, we turn the tap on, even for washing a few utensils, around nine litres of water is wasted per minute.

That’s nine litres of clean water lost just for washing dishes. Add up all the other household chores which require large amounts of water, and the number will be mammoth. Washing a whole load of utensils in a day can take up to 50 or 60 litres of water, however, using a dishwasher reduces the wastage considerably.

Water Consumption Bosch

To help save water in Indian kitchens, leading German manufacturer, Bosch has come up with a range of dishwashers best suited for Indian households, utensils and lifestyle. While comparing water, electricity and time consumption between dishwashers and washing manually, Bosch found some interesting statistics.

Bosch dishwashers only take up 9.5 litres of water and are much more energy efficient when compared to manual washing. For every load, Bosch’s dishwashers use up to 0.87 units of electricity. Further, manual washing of all the utensils can take up to an hour. With Bosch Dishwasher, the total amount of time you spend is just 10 minutes in loading and unloading, while the rest is taken care of by the Bosch Dishwasher.

Water Consumption Bosch

Bosch dishwasher also takes care of your hygiene concerns as it uses water that is heated up to 70 degrees, which kills up to 99.9% bacteria. In addition, programs installed in the machine takes complete care of the water that is used for washing utensils. The whole process of using dishwashers will end up saving 45 minutes per load, which adds up to 210 hours of free time. With these dishwashers, one can also end up saving around 9,200 litres of water per year.

The term ‘water conservation’ might sound like jargon to many, but when you essentially break it down, as Bosch shows, it is not that difficult. Certain changes in habits and mindsets are all you need to become a more responsible citizen of the world. Hence, you alone can set precedence for others by making smarter choices as there needs to be a collective effort to save this precious natural resource from depleting.

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