Solar Tube Wells To Solve The Water Woes Of The Entire Barmer District In Rajasthan
Source & Image: India Times

Solar Tube Wells To Solve The Water Woes Of The Entire Barmer District In Rajasthan

Barmer district of Rajasthan will get 70 solar tube wells (run by converting energy from solar panels) installed that will be used to harvest solar energy for critical utilities. The State government of Rajasthan is hopeful that the project under Mukhyamantri Solar Adharit Nalkoop Yojana (MSANY) will be completed by December. The project, when fully functional, is expected to power an entire district. The Rajasthan Electronics and Instrumentation Ltd is currently handling the project. It will spend Rs 11.91 crore for the entire project.


Tackling water shortage through innovation
For the district reeling under acute water shortage, this project is indeed hugely welcomed as it is supposed to get round-the-clock water supply from December. Besides, the region will have enough water supply for agriculture through irrigation and thereby opening up more avenues for farmers to expand their crops. The government is also partnering with Mukhyamantri Jal Swavlamban Abhiyan (MJSA) to come up with water conservation techniques and make the state self-sufficient in the usage and consumption of water.

The Public Health Engineering Department is monitoring the project. The government is planning to set up 1,000 solar tube wells and 400 defluoridation plants in the entire state.

The Logical Indian welcomes the initiative taken by the Government Of Rajasthan. Such initiatives should be replicated across states where there are acute water shortages and abundant solar potential.

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Editor : The Logical Indian

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