Take The #JholaChallenge And Say Goodbye To Plastics

Take The #JholaChallenge And Say Goodbye To Plastics

This article is in association with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs of India.

India is expanding at a colossal rate and is considered to become one of the dominant economic powerhouses in the coming years. Well, this is undoubtedly good news for a country which is classified as a third world country, but one has to understand with such booming economic growth, the generation of waste has also been tweaked. What is more concerning is the amount of plastic waste that the country consumes. According to the Plastindia Foundation for the year 2017 – 18, India consumed 1.65 crore million tonnes of plastic. Isn’t this number scary?

One of the most harmful types of plastic that the world is trying to get rid off is the single-use plastics bags. It surely helps one to carry materials from one place to another but finds its way in oceans, landfills, environment, and waterways. They do not decompose and generally break down into microplastics. It is shocking to know that approximately 50000 crores of single-use plastic bags are used by shoppers worldwide. To provide a vivid picture an individual use 150 single-use plastic bags annually. You might think how is it possible, but these are straight hard hitting facts.

Well, the problems related to plastics is humongous, but small steps can help the world to eliminate this issue. The Indian government through the help of Swacch Survekshan 2019 has introduced an initiative called The #JholaChallenge, which aims at slackening down the use of single-use plastics.

What is The #JholaChallenge?

Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs of India has come up with this initiative to curb down the use of single-use plastic bags. This challenge asks people to say no to the use of plastic bags for seven straight days and use Jholas instead. Well to people who wonder what Jhola is? It is defined as a reusable cloth bag from early ages. So, this means that if people start using more Jhola automatically, the use of plastics bags will plummet. Aapne #JholaChallenge liya kya?

How can one participate in #JholaChallenge?

Well, this challenge is introduced to save the mother earth, so no harm in taking it up, right? So here is how you can participate:

  1. Sign up using the link: #JholaChallenge
  2. Activate the Jhola Mode
  3. Upload Jhola selfie to earn Jhola points
  4. Nominate 5 friends for Jhola Challenge

Make your city Jhola Champion by achieving the highest number of Jhola Challengers.

You can also upload your picture with a Jhola across social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter as a mark of your Jhola Power. Do not forget to use the hashtag #JholaChallenge. The social media team of Swachh Survekshan is monitoring the hashtag and will reshare or retweet your post, as the case may be.

People have already started taking up the challenge, what are you waiting for?

What is the Goal of Jhola Challenge?

The main aim of the Jhola campaign is to eliminate the use of over 10 lakh single-use plastic bags by replacing them with Jhola. This will beat plastic pollution in the country. A city with the most numbers of Jhola Challengers will earn the title of Jhola Champion city.

Help your city to earn this title, as people across the country have already enrolled their name for this challenge.

What would be the impact of this challenge?

According to research, every new habit takes 21 days to become a part of one’s daily actions. It is anticipated that in 7 days, more than 40 crore urbanites dwelling in over 4000+ cities can change the way we view the world. More Jhola power means less plastic. Together we can set an example for the world to beat plastic pollution.

Spread the word and ask your friends to do the same for a better future.

This article is in association with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs of India

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Editor : The Logical Indian

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