Eight talented students from government schools in Soro, Balasore, Odisha, successfully launched their can-sized satellite, YTSAT 1.0, on December 23, 2024, using a helium balloon during Tinkerfest Soro. Supported by the Tinker on Wheels initiative, the students also drafted a research paper on cost-efficient satellite design. The event has inspired local youth and garnered attention from educators and officials.
Young Innovators Make History
In a remarkable display of ingenuity, eight students from government schools in Soro, Balasore, Odisha, successfully launched their can-sized satellite, YTSAT 1.0, on December 23, 2024. This historic event was part of Tinkerfest Soro and marked a significant achievement for these young innovators. The team comprised Digbijay Sahu (Lead), Rutuparna Jena (Parachute Lead), Satyajit Moharana (Structural Lead), Koushik Kar (Design Lead), Chiranjib Barik (3D Printing Lead), along with Jigyansa Sahu, Archana Jena, and Debasmita Barik. “We wanted to show that innovation can come from anywhere,” said Digbijay Sahu after the successful launch.
A Step Towards Sustainable Innovation
The initiative was supported by Tinker on Wheels (ToW), an advanced mobile prototyping lab that fosters creativity and hands-on learning among students. The satellite was launched using a helium balloon, demonstrating practical applications of science and technology. Additionally, the team worked on a research paper titled “Cost-Efficient CanSat Design: Leveraging Indigenous Materials for Satellite Prototyping,” which explores sustainable materials for satellite construction.
Anil Pradhan, an engineer and co-founder of the Young Tinker Foundation who has been instrumental in guiding the students, stated, “This project is not just about launching a satellite; it’s about igniting passion for science among our youth.” Pradhan recently received the Rohini Nayyar Prize for his contributions to rural STEM education and has positively impacted over 2.5 lakh students through his initiatives.
The Broader Impact of Tinkerfest
Tinkerfest Soro served as a platform to celebrate innovation and creativity among students across various disciplines. This year’s event was particularly significant as it showcased the hard work and dedication of these young innovators. Local officials expressed their support for such initiatives that empower students and promote education in science and technology. “We are incredibly proud of these students and their achievements,” remarked a local government official. The successful conclusion of Tinkerfest has further inspired local youth to engage in scientific exploration.
The Logical Indian’s Perspective
At The Logical Indian, we believe that fostering innovation and creativity among youth is essential for building a brighter future. The efforts of these students not only highlight their potential but also underscore the importance of accessible STEM education in rural India. As we celebrate their achievements alongside Tinkerfest’s success, we encourage our readers to reflect on how such initiatives can inspire positive change within communities. How can we further support young innovators in their quest for knowledge and discovery? Share your thoughts with us!