To attract the smartphone users, India’s public broadcaster Doordarshan has started providing TV services to mobile phones in 16 cities. And the service does not require any internet connectivity. The Digital Terrestrial Television services of Doordarshan has started operation from February 25 providing mobile TV. Today, we can access all over the world wide web through our smartphones. From updating our status on social media to watching live sports, everything can be reached easily from a 5-inch device in our hands. With their new services, Doordarshan also joins the competition. The 16 cities where this can be received include Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Guwahati, Patna, Ranchi, Cuttack, Lucknow, Jalandhar, Raipur, Indore, Aurangabad, Bhopal, Bangalore and Ahmedabad.
How can you avail the service? The viewers who want to enable this service on their smartphones will only have to make a one-time investment for the DVB-T2 dongle and there will not be any recurring expenditure like streaming internet requires. The dongle can be connected to OTG enabled smartphones and tablets, wi-fi dongles are also available for moving cars. Besides, Integrated Digital TVs (iDTV) with a built-in DVB-T2 tuner will also be able to provide this service. Plugging these dongles with smartphones or tablets and downloading the software will enable devices to receive DD single. Currently, DD National, DD News, DD Bharati, DD Sports, DD Regional/ DD Kisan are being provided. In a statement by Doordarshan, they have mentioned that their service will provide about 20 TV channels and 20 radio channels and these will be free for life for the audience. It won’t require any dish, or internet or set-top-box. The broadcasts would be available over a large geographical area beyond the coverage of current terrestrial transmissions of DD.
The Logical Indian welcomes this new step by Doordarshan. We hope this move could revive their fortunes