A video of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has gone viral, allegedly showing him admitting to pushing a BJP MP during a parliamentary session. This claim surfaced amid a heated political atmosphere, with protests occurring in Parliament regarding remarks made by Union Home Minister Amit Shah about B.R. Ambedkar. The incident reportedly involved a scuffle between Congress and BJP MPs, leading to accusations from both sides.
The claim is that Rahul Gandhi admitted on camera to physically pushing BJP MP Pratap Sarangi, which has been circulated as evidence of his misconduct. This claim is false, as it misrepresents the context and content of Gandhi’s statements.
The fact-check reveals that the viral video has been manipulated. In reality, Rahul Gandhi was responding to questions about a scuffle involving other MPs and did not admit to assaulting anyone. He stated that he was being blocked by BJP MPs and that the pushing did not affect him.
The top three sources confirming this fact include:
- The Print
- Boomlive
- News18
This fact-check is classified as False Content, as it disseminates wholly false information regarding Rahul Gandhi’s actions and statements in the parliamentary incident.