
Kudos To All The Working Women In Our Society
Ever since I came to Bangalore I was in search of my new cook, it is really hard to find a cook who satisfies a

My Story: At The Age Of 7 I Saw Things That No Child That Age Should See
“At the age of 7 I saw things that no child that age should see- I had an alcoholic father who would beat my mother

I Have Seen People Bullying This Specially Abled Book Seller, He Smiles Politely & Continues His Work
Source: Bhagyashree Jha’s Timeline I would like to draw your attention on a man which I believe whoever travels from Parihar Chowk road, Pune must

I Was Married At A Very Young Age Of 15 And It’s Been Privilege To Have Been His Wife
Source: Humans of Bombay “I was married at a very young age of 15. Back then we were living in Sindh when the riots broke

Today, He Has Dared To Grope; Tomorrow, He Will Have The Guts To Rape, If He Isn’t Taught A Lesson
Source: Humans of Bombay “It was around 7:30 pm, at rush hour when I got off at Dadar station. I was the last one to get

My Story: Their Mother Would Have Been Alive If Only Somebody Had Told Her Not To Go Back Home
By Sibi Arasu [Twitter: @sibi123] , Chennai, sibiarasu Along with sunshine coming back to Chennai, the sordid toll that the past few weeks’ deluge took is

My Story: Be Aware, The Loot Racket by Taxi Driver In Mumbai
“On 26 Nov morning we were travelling back from Kolkata in Howrah Mail train, since dadar been nearest station from my home. Our family preferred

My Story: They Gave Me A Reply That I Will Never Forget In My Life
There have been many children that I had met, but there were none, which had such a deep impact. Listening to their stories has been

My Story: I Paid Rs 22000, Was Told No Seats Were Left In The Airline But This Is The Reality
“Businesses thrive on natural disaster”; it may not be morally correct but factually true. In any natural disaster, we people donate generously and help others

Life Story: I Told My Son How I Get Sexually Harassed
Originally Published on : inbreakthrough | Author: Padmini Let me introduce myself first, I am a puppeteer and a research scholar. I am in early

My Story: This 3rd Year MBBS Student Offers Free Auto Ride For A Reason
Source: Vineeth Vijayan’s Timeline I took an auto from the town,to the medical college where my friend’s mother is admitted. As I was suffering from

We Have Actually Been Like Pseudo Moms To Each Other
Source: Humans of Bombay “We were on a train ride back from college when we began discussing the prospect of moving out and getting a
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Business owners, founders, and leaders who are making a tangible impact through innovation, entrepreneurship, and social responsibility.