
My Story: I Used To Sleep At Bus Stops & Shower Inside Local Bathrooms Before My Interviews
Source: Humans of Bombay “My father ran a screen printing company in Jabalpur, but because of various reasons we lost all our money and our

IAS Topper Ira Singhal Kept Begging For Help, Couldn’t Save Life Of A Road Accident Victim
Image Source: Ira Singhal who topped this year UPSC exam, has to face a situation where she was not able to road accident victims, one

I Belong To Saharanpur, India And Came To Pakistan In 1952
Source: Humans of Pakistan “I belong to Saharanpur, India and came to Pakistan in 1952 (five years after independence.) I was 16 years old when Pakistan

My Story: People Shamelessly Demanded Her To Dance In Consideration Of Some Chillars
It was Wednesday of wind chill winter. I was already late to wake up as always. Thankfully Mahanagri express, the so called super fast was

My Story: Facebook Made Me Look An Idiot By Making Me Sign Up For Free Basics, You Don’t Become One
Till now you must have got the notification from Facebook showing your friends’ support for Free Basics and asking you to to do the same.

After Nihal’s Story Gets Widely Shared On Social Media, Aamir Khan Meets The Special Child
Source: Team Nihal “Thank you Aamir uncle for making my dream come true. Your ‘Taare Zameen Par’ always inspired me to face adverse situations and

[Watch] My Life After 44 Years In Prison
Source: Al Jazeera English Otis Johnson went to jail at the age of 25. When he got out at 69, he rejoined a world that

My Story: This Is How A Policeman Treats A Road Side Tea Seller
Date: 17/12/2015 Time: Around 5 am Place: Near MG Road Bangalore By:Binny Medappa Binny saw this gruesome incident near MG Road Bangalore in an early

My Story: This Old Man Has 2 ‘Worthless’ Kids, Both Are Married And Settled
If this can’t motivate you nothing will. I cried today and there is a reason for it. Meet Mr. Babulal, an 80 year old guy

Life Story: I have The Rare Power Of Being Young And Old At The Same Time
Source: Humans of Bombay “My parents found out I had progeria when I was 1 year old, but they continued to give me a normal

Life Story: I Lost 17 Of My Friends And Buried Them Myself
Source: Humans of Pakistan I was the student of 2nd year and was in school giving my exam on 16th December. I went down to

My Story: My father Took 4 Bullets To His Body And Still He Stands Tall And Proud
Source: Urvashi Patole Today is the day when India won the India-Pakistan 1971 war. The Logical Indian community salutes the heroes of 1971 war. This
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Business owners, founders, and leaders who are making a tangible impact through innovation, entrepreneurship, and social responsibility.