
My Story: This Is How The Animals Are Being Treated Inside A Zoo
What a shame..! I visited the zoo yesterday with my family; and while I was taking a tour around the zoo having a look at

Pain Is Real, A Story On Heartbreak To Easily Understand And Get-Out Of It!
Image courtesy: psychologicalhealingcenter In our lives we all go through tough times. Sometime toughest of our time comes in the form of a heart-break. That

My Story: A Month After, This Is How Chennai Floods Have Changed Our Lives
It is almost a month since the rains from above paid a visit that was not so friendly to Chennai. The waters have drained

My Story: How I Paid Off My Debts And Became A Thriving Organic Farmer With Dharani
Written By : suhasbhat My name is Bagappa Chininti and I live in Anantapur district – the second-most drought prone region of the country. I work with

My Story: What An Experience That Was, They Are The Richest People I Met
My today’s experience, I was buying veggies for my birds then this blind couple passed by. This old lady reminded me of my dadi maa

Life Story: If Love Could Have Saved You, You Would Have Lived Forever
Source: Humans of Bombay “We grew up in a very liberal home. Our father was traveling most of the time and we spent most of

My Story: I Came Back To My Room & Started Thinking About Him. Don’t Know Why My Eyes Became Teary
The story is of that period when I was in Gurgaon and doing a private job there. Once I was returning from my office. Incidentally

Life Story: I Am Very Happy That I Have Taken My First Big Step Towards Independence
Source: Humans of Bombay “I come from an extremely conservative, middle class family. My father passed away a few months before my 10th standard board

My Story: How The VIP Culture Made Me To Miss The Exam
On 19th Dec, I had an Engineering Mechanics examination at sharp 10’o clock in my college which is approximately 7 kilometers away from my home, it

My Story: I Sat In The Auto And He Started Saying 30 Rupees Extra, I Asked Him ‘Why’?
Image Courtesy: tlmclelland “Today I am compelled to write this post because of my extreme dissatisfaction towards Bangalore Auto Service. I have been in Bangalore

Trauma Of Little Renu, And Her Cry For Help!
#My_Story Place: Basti, Uttar Pradesh Mo: 9889557333 By: Lalit Mohan “This poor little girl is suffering from this strange tumor and the disease is tormenting her each

I Was On The Bed, Feeling Terrified. I Opened My Diary And Wrote, ‘I Married A Stranger’
Published with permission from The Dilettante Author | Image Courtesy: privytrifles I was on the bed, feeling terrified. I opened my diary and wrote, ‘I married
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Business owners, founders, and leaders who are making a tangible impact through innovation, entrepreneurship, and social responsibility.