
My Story: The Journey From Being Married To Being Separated Is Always A Mental Torture
“I got married at the age of 26, which according to my parents, was late. It was an inter-caste love marriage but both our families

Life Story: This Is How My Parents Saved Me From Drug Abuse!
“When I was 9 years old, my parents started drifting apart so they decided to send me to my grandparent’s house to keep me away

Life Story: This Is How My Parents Saved Me From Drug Abuse!
“When I was 9 years old, my parents started drifting apart so they decided to send me to my grandparent’s house to keep me away

Life Story: The Only Time I Felt Really Sad Was When I Realized I Would Never Be Able To Run Again
Source: Humans of Bombay “Since my childhood, I’ve been very active and creative. From drawing cartoons to playing basketball and running on every sports day…I

My Story: I Thought This Incident Must Be Shared Since It Made Me Feel Proud To Be A Human
Representational Image: newindianexpress “I am working in RMZ Ecospace, Bellandur, Bangalore. I live at at Kodlugate. I travel to RMZ Ecospace, Bellandur daily by BMTC

My Story: How Do You Expect A Poor Man To Buy Stuffs At High Prices? I Was Surprised With The Reply!
Image Courtesy: thehindu It was a partly cloudy day of December, 2015, when me, my husband and dad went to Porur to send a

My Story: She Could Have Just Turned A Blind Eye Like Many Others But She Stood Up For Us
Representational Image: indianexpress “I was a 10-year-old back then. My Mom, younger sister (aged 8), brother (aged 2) and I were going to New Delhi.

Life Story: I Didn’t Want Anyone To Hear About My Condition So I Cut Myself Off From The World
Source: Humans of Bombay When I was in the 7th standard, my mother noticed a slight hair thinning patch on my scalp and took me

My Story: I Decided To Tell The Horrifying News To My Dad, Sensing My Fear, He Offered To Inform My Father
Few months ago, when I was riding my two wheeler back home from my guitar class, I met with an accident. I was thrown off

My Story: Take Action Against Such An Invasion Of Our Rights And Privacy In Such Circumstances
So there I was, shopping on Commercial Street around 4:45 PM, with three of my friends walking ahead. I just looked up to see this

My Story: Chennai Flood Brought Me Back My Daughter’s Lost Purse And A Faith In Humanity
Image Source: hexjam My daughter was home for the holidays and was about to fly back the next day to Pune, where she is a student.

Life Story: I Am A Dwarf But My Dreams Are Not
Reading articles on The Logical Indian for a while now on Facebook, made me realize that I associate with so many of them every day.
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