
My Story: Paralyzed, Depressed And After Suffering A Heart Attack, He Decided To End His Life, But Still He Fought
I’m a cervical spine patient. my body is paralyzed but still I am able to earn Rs 80,000 to 100,000 per month. I don’t know where

My Story: ❝ The Girl Did Something That’ll Leave A Memory Forever In My Heart❞
❝ Today, I met a girl that was me; you; all of us! Often, on days like today, I like treating myself with my ever

My Story: I Was Stuck In Mumbai Floods With My Passenger For 10 Hours, And I Fondly Remember That Night
“When it rains heavily, I always think of the 2005 floods. I was stuck under the Parel fly-over with a man who wanted to reach

My Story: We Witnessed Two Consecutive Accidents In Front Of Our Eyes
Yesterday, while on an early morning cycling adventure, my friend, Arjan and I witnessed two shocking incidents that really opened our eyes towards some critical

My Story: ❝ I Kept Thinking About The Accident And The Boy Relentlessly❞
❝Those were the very first days of my college; days of fun and excitement, days of being independent and responsible at the same time. Each

My Story: ❝ He Came Up With Something Not Less Than A Shock To Me; Which Made Me Really Sad And Question My Own Identity ❞
❝ Many young girls fear becoming fat and engage in dieting. I myself have tried my hands on dieting and losing weight due to the

Life Story: I Found Out That She Was HIV Positive And Had Lost Both Her Parents
“I was passing DY Patil hospital one day when I saw a girl sleeping outside — weak to the point that you could see her

My Story: ❝ To The Mom You Always Were And The Father You Became; Happy Father’s Day, Maa. ❞
Growing up, I remember every Christmas Eve my sister and I would write letters to Santa Claus and would hide them in our Christmas stockings

My Story: ❝ I Still Don’t Believe The Person Behind My Existence Is No More ❞
❝It was like a tradition; mom handed it over to dad and then dad gifted it to me! As I stepped into college for my

My Story: ❝ He Is My Differently-Abled Brother And I’m Not Hesitant To Acknowledge It ❞
❝This is my brother. He’s severely mentally challenged (aged 40, with a brain of a 5-year-old) and almost blind. He’s akin to my baby; my

My Story: I Hugged Him & Went To My Class, On The Way I Was Wondering If I Did Something Responsible
“Ride responsibly and Be responsible” said my father handing keys of a brand new scooter. It was my 18th birthday. It had been my dream

My Story: One Day I Finally Gave Up. I Decided To End My Life Rather Than Suffering Every Single Year
“It has taken me a hell lot of courage to write this up, but this only means I have accepted my disability and I am
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Business owners, founders, and leaders who are making a tangible impact through innovation, entrepreneurship, and social responsibility.