Aniruddha Kumar, an assistant professor at Assam University, has made serious allegations against his wife and her family, claiming he has been subjected to ongoing harassment since their marriage on October 4, 2023. In a video that has gained traction on social media, he describes the relentless pressure he faces regarding alimony demands.
A Violent Incident
A particularly violent incident is reported to have occurred on October 6, 2024, when Aniruddha claims he was assaulted in his rented home by his wife and father-in-law, along with an unidentified attacker. He characterized this assault as a deliberate attempt to “destroy” him completely, indicating the severity of the situation.
A Call for Justice
In expressing his plight, Aniruddha emphasizes a profound sense of injustice. He feels that both his social standing and economic stability are being systematically undermined. He calls upon anyone who hears his story to recognize his suffering and assist him in seeking justice.
This case underscores critical issues surrounding domestic disputes in India and highlights the complexities of personal relationships. Aniruddha’s allegations not only reveal the challenges faced by individuals embroiled in such conflicts but also call for greater awareness and support for those experiencing similar hardships.