World Affairs
World Affairs

Fearing Return Of Taliban, Afghanistan's Last Jew Plans To Move To Israel

Akshita Mehta
3 May 2021 5:08 AM GMT

61-year-old Zebulon Simentov had survived a Soviet invasion, a brutal civil war, the Taliban's draconian rule, and the US-led occupation of his country. Over the years, all of Simentov’s relatives left, including his wife and two daughters.

61-year-old Zebulon Simentov, Afghanistan's last Jew, has announced that he will be leaving the region in the wake of the Taliban's return.

Even during the Soviet invasion, a brutal civil war, the Taliban's draconian rule, and the US-led occupation of his country, he refused to leave Afghanistan. Over the years, all of Simentov's relatives left, including his wife and two daughters, as reported by The Times of Israel.

However, the recent agreement reached by Washington to withdraw all the US forces by the end of the year and ongoing peace talks between the insurgents and the Afghan government has increased the probability of the Taliban's return.

"Why should I stay? They call me an infidel. I'm the last, the only Jew in Afghanistan... It could get worse for me here. I have decided to leave for Israel if the Taliban returns," said Simentov.

"The Taliban are still the same as 21 years ago. I have lost faith in Afghanistan... there is no more life here.", he added.

Taliban's Violence

Simentov considers the years preceding the Soviet war to be the best for Afghanistan. "At that time, followers of every religion and sect had full freedom," he said, describing himself as a proud Afghan. However, he has become bitter as a result of recent events.

"This disgraceful Taliban regime put me in prison four times," he recalled.

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