
Experts Believe Meteor Shower Could Be Parts Of Satellite

Aditya Pran Changkakati
8 April 2022 11:34 AM GMT

On April 2nd there was a meteor shower in Rajasthan, Gujarat, MP, and Maharashtra, which later on is said to be a crashing satellite. According to astronomers, after a satellite has orbited for a certain amount of time, it is generally destroyed in a controlled manner, but it appears that this one went awry. According to sources, the Chandrapur police and administration in Maharashtra have seized two items that supposedly fell from the sky on the 2nd of April evening. Experts suspect the pieces belonged to a Chinese spacecraft. Hundreds of villagers in the district saw the blazing item in the sky on 2nd April, causing some concern, but Chandrapur administration authorities stated the situation was under control.

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