
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh And S Jaishankar Arrive At Washington DC For '2+2' Ministerial Talks

Aditya Pran Changkakati
20 April 2022 1:37 PM GMT

The '2+2' ministerial, which will be convened in the shadow of the Ukrainian crisis, reflects the importance the two governments place on this bilateral relationship, which former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee called as "natural allies." President Biden has signalled his intention to elevate the '2+2' ministerial by holding a virtual meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi from the White House on April 11th. President Biden and Prime Minister Modi will meet virtually to discuss cooperation on a variety of issues, including ending the COVID-19 pandemic, combating the climate crisis, strengthening the global economy, and upholding a free, open, rules-based international order to strengthen security, democracy, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific, according to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.

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