Fact Check
Fact Check Of The Statements Given By Trump And Biden In The Final Phase Of Presidential Elections
Fact Check

Fact Check Of The Statements Given By Trump And Biden In The Final Phase Of Presidential Elections

Yusha Rahman
26 Oct 2020 7:05 AM GMT

Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden lied to the public in their final debate before US Presidential Elections.

The United States is going to have its elections on November 3. Thus, both Presidential candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump had there last and final debate in Belmont University in Nashville on October 23.

In this final debate before the polls, both Donald Trump and Joe Biden made false claims. Here are fact checks on the statements given by both presidential candidates.

Donald Trump:

Donald Trump claims that coronavirus is going away. He said, "We're rounding the corner. It's going away."

According to the data posted by John Hopkins University, on coronavirus, it is clearly visible that the number of positive coronavirus cases has nowhere reached to the corner.

Similarly, he claimed that the treatment of coronavirus is on its way and will be available in the coming weeks. This claim falls flat, as only four vaccines are in the Phase 3 trial. These vaccines are being tested by AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, and Moderna. Among these two are still under trials and the test of the other two trials have stopped after volunteers developed the illness due to complications of vaccines. Also, the United States Food and Drugs Administration has not yet approved any recent medicine or vaccines as treatment of coronavirus.

Trump also attacked Joe Biden's way of handling the H1N1 virus outbreak. He said that though H1N1 was not as deadly as coronavirus but the way Biden handled it was a total disaster.

The Logical Indian used the keyword, 'Biden handled coronavirus' and found a press release of 2009 by CDC, that had a detailed description of how the government handled H1N1. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) declared that around 1,51,700 to 5,75,400 lives were lost to swine flu globally but the USA had only 12,469 deaths. Barack Obama's administration was credited for controlling the disease in an efficient way. Another survey report published in Gallup shows that after coronavirus, H1N1 is the second outbreak in which people trusted the government's way of handling the disease.

Donald Trump also accused Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, of telling people for not wearing masks amid the pandemic.

In a news published by The New York Times, Fauci said that his statement is being misstated by Trump.

In the report of The New York Times, Fauci said that in the beginning authorities were not sure about the spread of coronavirus and were scared of mask shortage. But after knowing that coronavirus also has the possibility of spreading by asymptotic cases, Fauci always encouraged the use of a mask. But his statement has been misstated by Trump.

Joe Biden:

Joe Biden also gave a false statement about Obamacare. Obamacare also known as the Affordable Care Act is an insurance scheme under Obama's administration to provide affordable health insurance to all Americans.

Biden claimed that no one in America had to lose their private health insurance after the launch of Obamacare.

According to News 7, "When "Obamacare" took effect in 2014, several million people lost individual health insurance plans that no longer met minimum standards established by the law. A backlash forced the White House to offer a work-around, but the political damage was done."

Thus, in this final round of Presidential debates, both the candidates, Trump and Biden shared false claims with people.

The Quint has verified these statements earlier.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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