
Trivandrum Techies Help Woman Worker In Their Company Build Her New House

Debomita De
23 Jun 2021 8:33 AM GMT

The IT professionals collected Rs 6 lakh through crowdfunding and build a house for Prabha. As the cost of the constructing house mounted due to pandemic, they carried out the responsibility of painting, installation of electrical wires and fixing pipes.

Prabha Kumari S S, a Chackka native, works as cleaning staff in H&R Block, a software company at Technopark for a year now, but problems at home prevented her from a peaceful life.

She is the sole bread-earner in the family who lived in a partially done house near a wetland and floodwater during rains would gush inside. The National Highway Road widening project that runs through her locality has been adding to the existing problem.

A Solution To Prabha's Problem

A group of techies from the company she worked in, as part of their corporate social responsibility project decided to construct a new house for her.

Nibun Jose, one of the coordinators of this Block Shelter Project, said, "Our team and its coordinator Rajesh Potty decided to lend a helping hand to those in need. We raised ₹6 lakh through crowdfunding from our employees to construct Prabha's house," reported The New Indian Express.

Last November, the construction for the new house started on her five-cent land near the old house. However, the pandemic caused an unwanted delay and the house was finally completed in April 2021. The house is about 550-sq ft and required more than 10 lakh to be completed. "As the property was near a wetland, we had to raise the basement more than normal. The plumbing and electrical works were done by technicians from our company. The team also did the painting work to cut costs," Jose informs.

Prabha's reaction

Elated about having a house, Prabha and her son are thankful to the team and plan to give them a small treat once the lockdown is lifted. She mentions to The New Indian Express, "I lost my husband four years ago. It was hard for me and my son to drain the water from the house after every rain. We need to get water and electricity connection for the new house. But it doesn't bother me. Finally, we can sleep without worrying about our bed getting wet."

Jose and his team have decided to continue the Block Shelter project. They are dedicated to building one house every year for people who are struggling financially. "We hope the public can notify us about the deserving people based in the district," Jose adds.

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