Shelters Out Of Scrap! Know How This Group Collectively Protects Stray Animals From Harsh Winters

Image Credits: Instagram 


Shelters Out Of Scrap! Know How This Group Collectively Protects Stray Animals From Harsh Winters

Laxmi Mohan Kumar
28 Dec 2022 2:13 PM GMT

Drums, plastic, wood fibre - materials that may be thrown away as scrap, is a solace from cold winters for stray animals due to the Stray Talk Initiative's efforts.

As the biting cold grips most parts of North India, it has impacted not just the lives of humans but also the strays who are left to struggle with minimal shelter. Around this time, many organisations and animal lovers have stepped forward with solutions, but it still demands a collective act of compassion to protect the strays from the cold.

To encourage people into the cause, Stray Talk India - a stray animal rescue initiative, has been giving out make-shift shelters free of cost to people so that they can provide them to the strays in their locality. All that one would have to do is pick the shelters from the team and leave it behind for the animals to sleep under.

Speaking praises of the initiative, an Instagram user recently posted a video of the same, which has now been winning many hearts online.

Making A Bed Is Free

During winters, many strays are left behind with no shelter to protect them from the cold. It was seen as an expensive affair to build shelters and provide for these helpless creatures. So strays would often be seen curled up in the corners of the streets with rags and papers, seeking warmth.

Stray Talk India devised an easy solution for a problem that seemed too big of a concern earlier. They built make-shift homes with discarded plastic or wood fibre drums sourced from scrap dealers and fit them with mattresses. This way, they have made a humble and effective setting that can accommodate stray animals. These shelters are then given free of cost to animal lovers around the Delhi-NCR regions or anyone who could accommodate shipping and enable them to arrange a temporary home for stray cats and dogs in their neighbourhood.

Doing Good & Spreading Good

Speaking of the kindness that Stray Talk India has been spreading, an Instagram user named Nidhi Mohan Kamal posted a video about setting up free pet shelters around her locality. The video introduced many users to the Stray Talk initiative and has been largely gaining momentum. It showed Nidhi picking up the drum-turned-into-shelter and placing it below a tree safely for the strays to find. She then documents how dogs around the region found momentary solace from the winter cold within the shelters.

Nidhi, an owner of an indie pet herself, shared the video with the caption, "A big shout out to @straytalkindia for distribution of these dog houses. They are just here to do good, just come and take, unconditional support. I got one and let's see how it goes, next Sunday I'll may be pick more. As I type this, 2 doggos are squished together comfortably in one and will sleep warm tonight." Her video has garnered over 12,000 likes and hundreds of comments. The post has also brought in quite traction toward the initiative and saw people from across the country enquiring about getting the shelters to their state's.

Also Read: Helping Stray Animals! This NGO Rescued Over 1,000 Dogs, Envisions To Build A Sustainable Model

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