Tasmania Clocks 100% Renewable Energy Goal Two Years Ahead Of Schedule

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Tasmania Clocks 100% Renewable Energy Goal Two Years Ahead Of Schedule

Palak Agrawal
4 Dec 2020 8:45 AM GMT

Tasmania had announced last year that it had hoped to reach 100% renewable energy by 2022. However, they managed to achieve their sustainability goal two years early partly due to the Granville Harbour wind farm.

Australia's island state Tasmania has achieved the feat of being one of the few places to be completely powered with 100 per cent renewable energy.

The state, on Friday, November 27, announced that its wind and hydroelectric projects had made them self-sufficient and run on cleaner energy.

"We have reached 100 per cent thanks to our commitment to realizing Tasmania's renewable energy potential through our nation-leading energy policies and making Tasmania attractive for industry investment, which in turn is creating jobs across the State, particularly in our regions," said Guy Barnett, the Tasmanian Energy Minister.

Reports have stated that the milestone was achieved as the 29th of 31 wind turbines at Granville Harbour wind farm started operating and feeding power. When its last two turbines are commissioned, the state will have 10,741 GWh of renewables generation per year which would surpass the average annual demand for 10,500 GWh.

Tasmania had announced last year that it had hoped to reach 100% renewable energy by 2022. However, they managed to achieve their sustainability goal two years early partly due to the Granville Harbour wind farm. The wind farm alone is reportedly capable of producing enough energy to power 46,000 homes in the area.

The government of Tasmania has further announced they now have set an ambitious goal for its renewable energy production. The state hopes to hit 200% renewable energy by 2040. The additional energy produced would then be provided to Australia's National Electricity Market.

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