Future In Safe Hands! Students Skit On Civic Values Gives Hopes Of A Thoughtful Generation

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Future In Safe Hands! Student's Skit On 'Civic Values' Gives Hopes Of A Thoughtful Generation

Laxmi Mohan Kumar
13 Dec 2022 11:18 AM GMT

A video from a rural school in Thane is winning hearts online for the student's heartwarming enactment. Their skit on 'civic values' is giving hopes to many netizens, of a kinder and empathetic generation.

John Dewey, an American philosopher, once stated that school is ultimately the model of a good society. The way schools and education systems are framed decides how society will turn out. One possible reason for this is the age-old idea of children's brains being similar to that of sponges. They absorb everything around them and try to act upon the same.

Due to this reason, a good portion of primary education focuses on stories with morals and values. Recently, a video of one such class on moral and civic values from the classrooms of a rural school in Thane was tweeted by an Indian Administrative Officer (IAS) and had been winning the hearts of many netizens.

Going Beyond The Curriculum

IAS officer Manuj Jindal posted a video from a rural school in the Thane district of Maharashtra. The video shows a group of students enacting a skit that conveys 'civic values.' It starts with a scene showing a student dressed as an elderly man entering a bus filled with passengers. Soon as he enters, one passenger gets up from his seat and offers it to the elderly out of consideration. The rest of the video shows different situations and the reactions of the passengers already seated inside.

One student had entered the bus dressed as a pregnant woman, while another passenger was a young school-going child carrying a heavy school bag. The passengers on the bus cordially gave away their seats to them. Through this enactment, the students were given an insight into how they could be better citizens and extend a helping hand to those who might need it. This could be done even through the smallest act of giving away their seat to someone who might need it more.

'Guaranteed To Move You'

With the caption, "How our creative teachers are teaching 'Civic Values' in rural schools," Manuj shared the beautiful clip and said that it was guaranteed to move the viewers. Surely enough, since being posted, the tweet was viewed by over 25,000 users and garnered thousands of likes. The skit about the students offering their seats to fellow passengers in need touched the hearts of many netizens who appreciated the teacher for taking the initiative and effort to bring the message to the students. The users also lauded the students' efforts and conveyed that they would definitely grow up to be responsible citizens with high morals.

Also Read: 'Never Too Young To Make A Difference': Twitter Video Of Children Covering A Manhole Is Winning Hearts Online

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