How This NGO Helped Underprivileged Children Across India In Online Learning During Pandemic

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How This NGO Helped Underprivileged Children Across India In Online Learning During Pandemic

Sayujya Surjit
28 Jan 2022 9:35 AM GMT

Smile Foundation, an Indian social development organization, is directly benefitting over 15 lakh children and their families every year. We have more than 400 live welfare projects on education, healthcare, livelihood, and women's empowerment in over 2,000 remote villages and urban slums across 25 states of India.

Children are the future assets of the nation. Their growth and development depend on the education given to them in their childhood. Children are very easy to mould. Education acquired during childhood moulds them into better individuals who can contribute to the progress of society. However, not every child gets a fair chance to pursue education. Poverty-stricken households restrict their children from attending schools and force them to do labour in order to earn income for their families. This shatters the dreams of these kids who want to pursue education and achieve heights. These families are often trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty from which it is hard to come out. The government initiated various schemes like the Right to Education (RTE) Act, Midday Meal Scheme, Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao, which motivated kids to go to school and learn.

The whole scenario has changed and become more complex with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The learning process has shifted from offline space to online due to the pandemic induced lockdown. Many believed that online learning made it easier and more comfortable because all necessary information was made available at the tip of our fingers. Students could pursue education by being in the comfort zone of their homes. However, this is not an inclusive decision because not everybody gets an equal opportunity to pursue education online.

When many people around the country spoke about the new possibilities of online education, Smile Foundation, an NGO working for the welfare of children, studied the on-ground challenges in online learning and came up with practical methods to impart quality education to children irrespective of their economic status.

About Smile Foundation

Smile Foundation is an Indian social development organisation that was set up by a group of young corporate professionals in 2002 to bring about positive changes in the lives of underprivileged children and their families. They empower children and women by providing quality education, healthcare, skill development programmes and livelihood programmes. At present, the NGO is directly benefitting more than 750,000 underprivileged children and families every year. They are undertaking 350 projects based on education, healthcare, youth employment, and women empowerment. Some of their effective campaigns are Shiksha Na Ruke, No To Hunger, Plate Half-Full, She Can Fly etc. People can support the NGO by providing online donations and can also join as volunteers to work with the organisation in bettering the lives of many.

A Study Conducted By Smile Foundation

A study was conducted by the NGO Smile Foundation titled "Scenario Amidst Covid-19: On-ground Situations and Possible Solutions" to present the harsh realities faced by school-going children when classes were shifted to online spaces and a report was published on it. The study was published by collecting data from over 40,000 school children across 23 states during the initial lockdown period. It was found that about 56 per cent of children lacked access to smartphones, which was the most important tool for online learning. Without adequate tools, children couldn't continue their education. Almost one in eight children lacked access to smartphones or even basic phones. Education could be imparted through television for those who couldn't afford a smartphone. However, 31.01 per cent did not have access to even television. So, even when educational sessions were broadcasted through television channels, a major chunk of students couldn't make learning possible due to the absence of television sets in their homes.

Shiksha Na Ruke Initiative

Shiksha Na Ruke initiative was initiated to stop students from dropping out of school since the pandemic has changed the living conditions to a great extent. The initiative helped students who lacked the necessary technology to continue the online learning mode as the schools were shut down and children were forced to stay indoors and learn. Smile Foundation researched the on-ground situations to develop a deeper understanding of it and devise strategies to help overcome the difficulties so that nobody is kept from learning and acquiring their dreams. The question they asked in big, bold letters were,

"Will the pandemic be an end to their education, their dreams?"

Asking this question, the organisation came up with the initiative so that children do not drop out of schools due to the gap in education or lack of technology.

They had a strategic approach to dealing with the problems. Five key interventions under the Shiksha Na Ruke initiative helped curb the falling out of children from pursuing education. Under the initiative, smartphones and tablets were provided for underprivileged children, educational content was curated for radio and television, and they even conducted door to door visits so that nobody gets left out, teachers were given the training to adapt to the digital learning environment, parents were given counselling to ensure their children's participation and one-on-one mentoring sessions were given to children for their mental well-being. 49,274 children across 22 states enrolled under the initiative and are currently receiving aid from the NGO, which helped them continue their education.

Every child in India should pursue the education they like and conquer their dreams and ambitions. Underprivileged children should be able to move out of their vicious cycle of poverty which can only be made possible by acquiring education.

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