Heart-Warming! Siblings Separated During Indo-Pak Partition Reunited In Kartapur After 75 Years

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Heart-Warming! Siblings Separated During Indo-Pak Partition Reunited In Kartapur After 75 Years

Laxmi Mohan Kumar
10 Sep 2022 1:40 PM GMT

Amarjit Singh from India was finally able to reunite with his lost family in Pakistan after 75 long years. Kartapur in Pakistan's Punjab stood witness yet once again for a moving reunion of a family which was separated during the partition. 

In a heartwarming union at Kartarpur in Pakistan's Punjab, Jalandhar-based Sikh Amarjit Singh met with his long-lost sister Kulsoom Akhtar, who was residing in Pakistan with their family since the partition. As the wheelchair-bound Singh made his way to the Gurdwara Darbar Sahib without bothering about his health constraints, the reunion after 75 years moved many to tears.

Many times earlier as well, the Kartarpur Corridor facilitated the reunions of families separated by the partition. Surpassing all borders, stories of blood relations finding each other continue to come across through this corridor.

Partitions And Reunions

During the partition, Singh was left behind in India along with his sisters while his Muslim parents migrated from Jalandhar to Pakistan. Kulsoom was born to their parents after they had moved to Pakistan and only knew about her siblings through the stories her mother would tell her. The family grew bigger, but the void left behind by her lost brother and sister still remained for about 75 years. Kulsoom recalled how her mother was always left with tears whenever she talked about her missing children. Not even once did they imagine that they would be able to reunite like this years later.

It was made possible by a friend of her father, Sardar Dara Singh, who had come from India to Pakistan to meet their family. During his visits, Kulsoom's mother shared stories about the son and daughter she left behind in Jalandhar and also gave him the address of the village where they used to reside. Returning to India, Dara Singh visited the house and was able to trace down Amarjit Singh. He got to know that Amarjit was adopted by a Sikh family in 1947 and that his sister had passed away years ago.

On having located him, Dara Singh contacted Kulsoom and informed her about her brother. They spoke through WhatsApp and decided to meet at the border.

The Day They Finally Met

Both brother and sister are facing health constraints as a courtesy of old age, and despite that, they travelled far distances just to meet each other. Singh had taken a visa to pass through the Attari-Wagah border, and his sister travelled from Faisalabad to the corridor.

On seeing each other after 75 years, they broke down in tears and embraced it. Kulsoom introduced her son Shahzad Ahmed and other family members to him, who were beyond elated that the reunion had finally happened.

Singh was in for a bigger surprise as he learned that he belonged to a Muslim family in Pakistan and had more brothers and sisters in the country.

A report by NDTV, he now wishes to come to Pakistan to spend time with his family and also take them home to his family in India. Having exchanged gifts and greetings, the siblings parted once again, but they found their family this time.

Also Read: Divided By Partition, Reunited By A YouTube Channel: Know How 'Punjabi Lehr' Helped Reunite Over 200 Families

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