Pune Professor Dumps Family Celebrations, Donates Rs 4.50 Lakh For COVID-19 Relief Funds

Image Credits: The Indian Express


Pune Professor Dumps Family Celebrations, Donates Rs 4.50 Lakh For COVID-19 Relief Funds

Ankita Singh
23 March 2021 11:37 AM GMT

On every occasion in his family, be it his father's birth anniversary or his mother's 75th birthday or his son's birthday- all of which fell between March and November 2020, Kolekar made multiple monetary contributions.

A Civil Engineering professor in Pune, Yashwant Kolekar, decided to celebrate all the special occasions of his family by donating money towards COVID-19 relief efforts.

The pandemic affected working professionals across all sectors as many of them lost their jobs and faced financial strains for several months.

With the alarming rise in COVID-19 cases, Kolekar realised that the government was in dire need of support from community members. Hence, he decided to make the small contribution that would help the government in taking steps to control the situation.

On every occasion in his family, be it his father's birth anniversary or his mother's 75th birthday or his son's birthday- all of which fell between March and November 2020, Kolekar made multiple monetary contributions.

He contributed money to the Maharashtra Chief Minister's Relief Fund, Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences, Bhubaneshwar, and to the Mother Global Foundation founded by social worker Sindhutai Sapkal, reported The Indian Express. In total, Kolekar donated ₹4.50 lakh.

He said, "We all witnessed how people were struggling due to the pandemic. Despite the economy coming to a standstill, governments were expected to spend on providing healthcare facilities to a large number of sick people. Since government machinery and corporates cannot reach out to everyone everywhere, I decided to make my humble contributions towards the collective fight against the pandemic."

Apart from his contributions to various funds, Kolekar organised a unique international webinar that used crowdfunding for the same cause last year in July.

All registration fees collected from the participants, up to ₹ 1 lakh, were donated towards the Chief Minister's and Prime Minister's Relief Funds, respectively.

Kolekar also received a letter of appreciation from Chief Minister Uddhav Thackery's Office for his selfless efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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