Praiseworthy! Odisha Man Returns Bag With Jewellery Of Worth Rs 20 Lakh To Owner

Image Credit: Hindustan Times, Pixabay


Praiseworthy! Odisha Man Returns Bag With Jewellery Of Worth Rs 20 Lakh To Owner

Ratika Rana
20 April 2022 6:54 AM GMT

Tapas Chandra Swain showed exemplary honesty by returning a bagful of gold ornaments worth Rs 20 Lakhs to its rightful owners. The Sambalpur police station felicitated him saying he has shown honesty of character.

Tapas Chandra Swain, a resident of Sambalpur in Odisha, showed exemplary honesty of character when he returned a bagful of gold ornaments that he found on the road. Swain, a senior assistant at the Regional Educational Directorate, found the bag with ornaments worth Rs 20 Lakhs when returning home to the SRIT colony on Monday evening. He was dumbfounded to see expensive gold in the bag and waited on the spot for some time, hoping for the rightful owner to turn up. However, when nobody came to claim the jewellery, he called up one of his friends and Anithapali Police Station.

Jewellery Returned To Rightful Owners

After reaching the Police Station, the inspector made a seizure list of the gold ornaments kept in the bag. Meanwhile, the husband-and-wife duo who had lost their jewellery had complained to the police station, and after a thorough investigation, they were handed over their jewellery. B Gangadhar, the Superintendent of Sambalpur Police Station, felicitated Swain and mentioned that the latter had shown honesty. Further, he added, "He could have just walked away with the ornaments. As a token of appreciation for his honesty, we gave him a cash reward of ₹1,000. We hope more and more people will emulate Swain," Hindustan Times reported.

Rise In Petty Crimes In The Country

In recent times, the rise in petty crimes has increased by leaps and bounds. Incidents of people holding up values and reaching out to the concerned authorities if and when they discover expensive items like jewellery and cash are rare. Therefore, we at The Logical Indian salute the honesty and courage of Tapas Chandra Swain for choosing to do the right thing despite all odds.

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