
Mumbai Policewoman Adopts 50 Tribal Children, Provides Oxygen Cylinders To COVID Patients

Devyani Madaik
12 July 2021 7:42 AM GMT

Police constable Rahena Sheikh is known as Mumbai's 'Mother Teresa'. Her social work has also been recognised by the department, and she has been honoured with a certificate of excellence.

As Maharashtra recovers from the catastrophic second wave of coronavirus pandemic like other states, this Mumbai Police constable has kept the spirit of humanity alive. Rahena Sheikh took charge of educating 50 poor tribal children in the Raigad district.

The residents also recognise her as the 'Mother Teresa' of Mumbai. In all, her family has been one of her biggest supporters.

How She Met The Kids

It was on her daughter's birthday when Sheikh learned about Dnyani Vidyalaya in Raigad's Waje Taluka. She approached the principal to know more about the kids in the school belonging to the humble background and expressed her willingness to help them.

When she offered money, the principal insisted Sheikh visit the school in person and help them. Her family immediately bought a couple of things for those kids from the money they had saved to celebrate Eid and their daughter's birthday.

"I told my kids that we would not do any shopping for Eid or invite guests," Sheikh said, reported The New Indian Express.

The family spent the entire day with the children and decided to adopt and sponsor the education of 50 children. "Education is the key to change," she said.

Providing COVID Medications

Sheikh wanted to do her bit for the people contracted with the virus and struggling to receive proper medical treatment due to financial crunches. She provided plasma, oxygen, Remdesivir injections, and other hospital services to nearly 54 people.

She has also got various calls for help. "One day, I got a call asking for the A+ blood group for a cancer patient. Seeing my anxiety, my husband drove me to the patient's hospital, where he volunteered to donate blood. I am fortunate to have a supportive family," the constable told The New Indian Express.

The department has also recognised the 40-year-old's social work, and she has been honoured with a certificate of excellence by the Mumbai Police Commissioner Hemant Nagrale.

Sheikh has been in the police force for 21 years now. Apart from dedicating her life to serve the people, she is an athlete and a volleyball player.

Helping the needy comes naturally to her. One must implement their ideals with actions, and there is no better show of humanity than coming forward to help each other, she said. She urged people blessed with amenities to come forward without any reminder and help the vulnerable at their level with food, shelter, medication, etc.

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