2,000 Milkmen Come Together To Help Fund-Starved School In Assam

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2,000 Milkmen Come Together To Help Fund-Starved School In Assam

Ratika Rana
11 Aug 2021 1:17 PM GMT

A school in the state's Morigaon district was experiencing a financial crisis until 2,000 milkmen decided to donate a part of their income to keep it going.

In a noble gesture, 2,000 milkmen from Assam's Sitajakhala Milk Cooperative Society came forward to donate a part of their income to help a school in the state's Morigaon district. They decided to donate 15 paise for every litre of milk sold to the higher secondary section of the school. The government has not provided any funding so far for this section of the school.

Society Handed Over The Cheque

The Sitajakhala milk cooperative is one of the oldest and the largest milk societies of the state. The society recently handed over a cheque of ₹1 lakh to the senior secondary wing of the school to run its operations. The Deccan Herald quoted the Chairperson Ranjib Sarma as saying, "Children of our milkmen are school students. The lower wing of the school was provincialised in 1986." The higher secondary wing was operating privately and was facing a severe financial crunch, he added. This development bothered the parents, who were enrolled as milkmen with the society. Then, they took the initiative and decided to donate a part of their salary to the cash-strapped school.

A Periodic Donation

This is not a one-time donation. The chairperson said that till the time the school comes under the wing of the government, the milk cooperative would continue to give ₹1 lakh to the school every year. The guardians and parents of the students are urging the school to open introductory vocational courses in agriculture for students. The school's headmaster, Uttam Deka, appealed to the students to support the endeavour of imparting quality education to the children of the Gobha tribal belt.

The headmaster also expressed gratefulness to the milk cooperative for the aid and said that the initiative would help the school sustain for a much more extended period. The chairperson of the society pointed out that they faced immense pressure during the pandemic.

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