Be Kind At Every Opportunity: LinkedIn Post About Man Helping Elderly Couple During Their First Flight Goes Viral

Image Credits: LinkedIn 


'Be Kind At Every Opportunity': LinkedIn Post About Man Helping Elderly Couple During Their First Flight Goes Viral

Laxmi Mohan Kumar
5 Nov 2022 4:27 AM GMT

During his journey from Delhi airport to Kanpur, Amitabh Shah got to meet an elderly couple who were taking their first ever flight trip. Onboard he bought food for the couple without their knowledge, and did his bit in trying to make their flight experience comfortable and memorable.

Acts of kindness from strangers always make for a heartwarming tale because those are truly selfless acts with no expectations of returns of any kind. Social media has played an unavoidable role in taking such stories to people and spreading the message of kindness.

Recently, one such post on LinkedIn by Amitabh Shah garnered the attention of several netizens. It spoke of the first flight journey of an elderly couple from Uttar Pradesh and how it became a memorable one for them simply due to an act of kindness.

Shah's post narrated the couple's story with an image of theirs posted right below it. Writing about the image, he said, "The aunty asked me - "Can you please take our picture and send it to our daughter who has a phone Whatsapp - so she knows we are safe?" He had gladly taken the picture for them and even asked them if he could keep a copy for himself as well.

Nervous For Their First Flight

He met the elderly couple on his way to Kanpur from the Delhi Airport, and they immediately struck his attention. The couple were tired from the 8-hour-long bus journey they had from their remote village in UP to the Delhi airport. Since it was their first flight, they were excited and equally nervous as they were not familiar with the procedures.

Shah was able to sense the same as he saw them standing cluelessly at the boarding area, unable to pick up the English spoken by the crew. Walking up to them with a smile, he helped the couple through the entire process and made it easier for them to board the flight. Once they were seated on the flight, he clicked the image for them and forwarded it to their daughter, informing her of their safe boarding.

Later on, when the air hostess came to serve them food, the couple kindly declined. However, knowing that they had travelled a long distance and looked tired, he requested the air hostess to bring sandwiches and juices for the couple. He paid for the same without the couple's knowledge and asked the crew to inform them that it was complimentary.

"We Should Always Be Kind"

Upon their arrival, they simply smiled and parted ways. Shah returned home with the happiness of having been able to make the couple's first flight a memorable one. He ended the post by saying, "we should always be kind at every opportunity we get, and trust me, opportunities to be kind are all around you."

The internet welcomed the story and shared their happiness over the couple's first flight. A user by the name of AK Prasad commented, "Thanks a ton to you for taking care of the elderly couple and helping them navigate through labyrinth of paths and passages of the airport."

They conveyed that many senior citizens are often scared to opt for air travel due to the complexities it comes along with. At such a time of helplessness, offering to assist them is an act that is sure to stay with them for long. Several other users too appreciated the kind gesture and also noted that "we need to be proud that air travel is being experienced by all sections and generations of people."

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