LinkedIn User Shares Story Of Kuppamal, Who Resiliently Worked Round The Clock To Help Her Grandson Achieve His Dreams

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Tamil Nadu

LinkedIn User Shares Story Of Kuppamal, Who Resiliently Worked Round The Clock To Help Her Grandson Achieve His Dreams

Laxmi Mohan Kumar
10 Nov 2022 9:02 AM GMT

Kuppamal, a garden staff at Infosys, single-handedly raised her grandson and worked day in and out to help him achieve his dreams of joining the government services. Sharing the story of her resilience, a LinkedIn user's post on her resilience is winning hearts

Taking on to LinkedIn, a user by the name of Sujith Kumar shared the story of Mrs Kuppamal, a garden staff who resiliently worked round the clock to see her grandson achieve everything he aspired for. She had taken up the responsibility of looking after him after she lost her daughter and he lost his mom in a tragic incident. From there on, she worked hard with zero complaints to make sure he did not miss out on any opportunity. Her story is an inspiration and a lived reality for many.

Struggles And Scholarships

Posting two photos that were clicked over the gap of five years, Sujith Kumar introduced LinkedIn users to Mrs Kuppamal. The first photo was clicked in May 2017 and was recounted as the day both Kuppamal and Sujith shared a piece of joyous news over a box of sweets. She worked as a garden staff at Infosys and used to often share stories about her grandson and his future plans.

Kuppamal was single-handedly raising her grandson, who had lost his mother and had no one else to take care of him. She was determined to do everything for him and tirelessly worked in the hot sun every day. Not once did anyone hear her complain about the tasking job or her personal hardships. Instead, they would always spot her greeting them full of energy and wishing everyone a good day.

Whenever someone struck up a conversation with her, she would happily sit by and converse with them. This is how Sujith got to know that Kuppamal was keen on the idea of building a career in IT for her grandson. However, her grandson had entirely different plans of clearing competitive exams and joining a government job. Regardless of their conflict in plans, Kuppamal continued to be on board with his ambitions and helped him find his way.

Talking about this to Sujith, she used to say, "My grandson is very clear that he wants to get into a government job and will come and meet you only after this is accomplished. Please pray for him as he is the only hope I have." Based on this information, they enrolled Kuppammal's grandson at Maatram Foundation for a scholarship program in 2017.

Shared Joy Over Dream Coming True

Studying hard, Kuppammal's grandson completed an engineering program with flying colours and earned his place in the competitive industry. He cleared a bunch of exams through his hard work and secured a central government job.

Kuppamal had then come by to meet Sujith and inform him that her grandson had received his first month's salary and sent home some money for her expenses. Soon after he had sent home money, she told him, "I will break the news first to Sujith sir, and after which you can speak to him." Upon meeting Sujith, she went back to narrating the struggles and past hardships her grandson overcame to reach where he is today. Sitting by patiently listening to it all over again, Sujith simply smiled over her happiness.

By the end, she gleamed with pride and wrapped up her story by saying, "I have told my grandson to come and meet you this month. I will bring him to you personally." After the story, Sujith gave her a bouquet that he was holding on to give to a friend. He wrote that the congratulatory flowers looked more beautiful on her than they would have on anyone else on that day. As she went about her day sharing sweets and joy with her colleagues, Sujith decided that he had to share the story of her resilience with the world.

Stating that "t he resilience of people like Kuppammal not giving up hope and wanting her grandson to succeed was simply awe-inspiring," he brought out a story that celebrates and cherishes women who struggle and toil selflessly. The post has garnered over 10,000 reactions and 200 comments. Many users poured in their congratulations and shared their joy over Kuppamal's dreams coming true.

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