
'Walk For Humanity': Karnataka Man Travels From Kanyakumari To Kashmir, Pays Tribute To COVID-19 Warriors

Devyani Madaik
24 March 2021 12:12 PM GMT

He walked around 45-50 km every day on highways, covering eleven states in 99 days. He slept outside petrol pumps, towers and restaurants. Some even provided him with shelter. He would eat just enough to relieve his hunger and continued walking.

The COVID-19 pandemic paralysed our lives for the last one year. While many of us were confined to our homes during lockdowns, the frontline workers played a life-saving role in fighting against the pandemic. Many of these warriors have been recognised and honoured with awards. But this 33-year-old man from Mysuru decided to pay a tribute to them in a different way.

Bharath P N embarked on a 'Walk for Humanity' journey- a tribute to the frontline workers, for their efforts and selfless service.

"I was just home-bound, like everyone else amid the nationwide lockdown. I watched the television daily and saw how these frontline workers were out, risking their lives and rendering their services on a daily basis. It was this time that I realised the importance of giving back to society and took on this mission in honour of not just the frontline workers but everyone who took an initiative to step out and help others," Bharath told The Logical Indian.

He started his journey on December 11, 2020, from Kanyakumari, to reach the final destination, Jammu and Kashmir, covering more than 4,000 km on foot.

He walked around 45-50 km every day on highways, covering eleven states in 99 days. He slept outside petrol pumps, towers and restaurants. Some even provided him with shelter. He would eat just enough to relieve his hunger and continued walking.

"Wherever I stayed, I would ask the concerned person if she/he has any contact for the next 50 km, and then repeat the same. This helped me a lot, and I got to meet many people."

Another point that Bharath wanted to reiterate through his initiative was the importance of walking and boosting the immune system. "I saw every doctor and expert recommending boosting the immune system during the pandemic. But I would question how we can do that naturally rather than by consuming varieties of drinks. There are many people who can't afford such immune-boosting medicines or drinks. This was another reason for me to start this journey to show the importance of walking, and how it protects one from catching the flu, or other immune-related illnesses, and how it is accessible to all."

The 33-year-old fitness enthusiast covered states including Punjab, Haryana and Maharashtra. He would post an image on social media whenever he visited one state and reached out to the non-governmental organisations there. "People were shocked and asked me if I specially came from Karnataka to thank them."

Along the way of raising awareness and conveying gratitude, Bharath also planted over 150 saplings to spread environmental consciousness.

Although he took a solo journey, he said that several friends and well-wishers gave their support which helped him complete his journey.

Also Read: 'Come Out, Missing You': Four-Yr-Old Appeals Amid Terrorist Encounter In Kashmir

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