Meet Baba Danish Langer, Jammu Braveheart Who Fought Paralysis To Fulfill His Dream Of Joining Indian Army

Image Credits: India Today

Jammu and Kashmir

Meet Baba Danish Langer, Jammu Braveheart Who Fought Paralysis To Fulfill His Dream Of Joining Indian Army

Tashafi Nazir
14 Jun 2022 5:54 AM GMT

Langer suffered a paralytic attack in 2017 triggered by Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)-a rare autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the nerves and can affect a person's motor functioning for up to a year.

Baba Danish Langer, a 21-year-old boy from Jammu, had always dreamt of joining the Indian Army. However, his hopes were shattered after he suffered a paralytic attack in 2017 triggered by Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS).

GBS is a rare autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the nerves and can affect a person's motor functioning for up to a year. It is usually treated with immunotherapy like plasma exchange.

But the young braveheart did not lose hope and gave his everything to overcome all odds. On June 11, 2022, Langer's dreams came true as he was one of the 288 cadets who graduated from the Indian Military Academy in Uttarakhand.

Lt Baba Danish Langer's father, Rajesh Langer, is a soil conservation officer and is exceptionally proud of his son. "It's admirable how he handled adversity at such a young age. Many people give up and consider other options, but in his mind, the only thing was the Indian Army," Rajesh Langer said, according to India Today.

Overcame His Health Condition Within 6 Months

He also told The Times of India that extensive physiotherapy and training for a military career saw his son through, adding that he overcame the health condition within six months.

Anju Langer, Danish's mother, said his son had wanted to join the army since childhood and serve his country. "When Danish was in class 6, his grandmother refused to let him attend Sainik school, but he has now fulfilled his dreams and made us all proud," she added.

When asked about his journey, Lt Danish said that medical science, discipline, and sticking to a routine all helped him. He encourages aspirants to never give up on their dreams. "I urge youth to give their all and never give up. Don't let anyone or anything stand in your way of achieving the life goals you've set for yourself," he said.

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