My Amma, My Hero: Indian Footballers Gratitude Note For Mother Wins Hearts Online

Image Credits: Twitter/@SandhiyaR_7


'My Amma, My Hero': Indian Footballer's Gratitude Note For Mother Wins Hearts Online

Laxmi Mohan Kumar
22 Feb 2023 11:31 AM GMT

Sandhiya Ranganathan, the national women's football team striker, took to Twitter to share a heartfelt note about her single mother and the struggles she went through to have her daughters achieve their dream. The post has now received lakhs of heartwarming reactions.

Almost every sportsperson in the country has a success story that evolved from several struggles. Proving oneself as a talented sportsperson in the country demands a lot, especially from a woman. Many among them remain undiscovered as they might not receive the necessary support or resources to reach these heights.

A similar tale of success amid all the struggles is of Sandhiya Ranganathan . Her mother struggled round the clock to help her daughter achieve her dreams and make the country proud with her skills. Today, Sandhiya kicks the ball for the national team, and her mother continues to be her strongest pillar of support among the spectators.

Every child's first and foremost need is the care and support they receive from their parents. For a single parent, this is quite the challenge as not only do they have to acknowledge their child's needs, but also is the sole provider. Juggling between these roles, Sandhiya's mother ensured that both of her daughters lived their best lives. Life was never easy for her, but she worked to make it easier for her children to achieve what they aspire. For families struggling to make ends meet, sports often does not expand beyond a hobby in the backyard, and this is one reason why only a few make it from the yards to the national field.

'Life Was Not Easy For Her'

However, Sandhiya's mother knew better that her daughter's skills deserved to go to greater heights. Supporting her throughout her practice and trials, the mother was a constant cheerleader as Sandhiya's name made it to the list of the women's national football team. Recently, the Indian women's football team striker took to Twitter to pen a heartfelt gratitude note for her mother and it has been winning hearts online.

In the note, she called her mother her hero and said that she was "very happy and proud" after watching her play for the country. The tweet, with a photograph of herself wearing a football jersey alongside her mother, received over 17 lakh views, 18,000 likes, and thousands of retweets. Several users commented that they hope she reaches greater heights and continues to make her mother proud. They also made it a point to pour in their best wishes to the player representing the country.

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