Chennai Girl Cooks 46 Dishes In 58 Minutes, Enters UNICO Book of World Records

Image Credits: ANI

Tamil Nadu

Chennai Girl Cooks 46 Dishes In 58 Minutes, Enters UNICO Book of World Records

Ankita Singh
17 Dec 2020 10:15 AM GMT

Lakshmi's mother, N Kalaimagal, shares that her daughter started cooking only during the lockdown, this year.

A young girl from Tamil Nadu's Chennai has entered the UNICO Book of World Records by cooking 46 dishes in just about 58 minutes on Tuesday.

The girl named SN Lakshmi Sai Sri, who created the world record, shared that her interest in cooking developed and nurtured by watching her mother.

Lakshmi who learnt the art of cooking from her mother is extremely happy to have achieved this milestone.

Lakshmi's mother, N Kalaimagal, shares that her daughter started cooking only during the lockdown, this year.

Noticing that Lakshmi was doing really well at cooking, her father suggested attempting to create the world record.

Lakshmi's mother said that she cooks different traditional cuisine of Tamil Nadu.

During the lockdown, Lakshmi used to spend time with her mother in the kitchen.

"When I was discussing her interest in cooking with my husband, he suggested that she should make an attempt on world record on culinary activity. That's how we got the idea," said N Kalaimagal as reported by ANI.

Lakshmi's father started doing research and found that a 10-year-old girl Saanvi from Kerala cooked around 30 dishes. Her father wanted Lakshmi to break Saanvi's record.

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