
Elderly Man Gifts Rice Grown By Him To Thank Doctors Post COVID-19 Recovery

Reethu Ravi
19 Sep 2020 4:49 AM GMT

Sharing a picture of the packet of rice, Dr Urvi Shukla MD said that the man, a senior citizen, had been in the ICU for 15 days, of which 12 was on the ventilator.

In a heartwarming incident, a senior citizen who recovered from COVID-19 thanked the doctors who treated him by gifting them rice grown by him in his own field.

Twitter user Dr Urvi Shukla MD shared an image of the packet of rice the man gifted. In the tweet, Shukla said that the man, a senior citizen, had been in the ICU for 15 days, of which 12 was on the ventilator. Following his recovery, he offered the gift to the team that helped him recover as a special gesture.

"Senior citizen recovered from Covid 19 after ICU stay of 15 days (out of that 12 days on ventilator)," Shukla said in the tweet.

"He was a free patient and he wanted to say thanks to treating team. Rice grown by him in his own field," she further added.

Since being shared on September 14, the tweet has gone viral and has received over 3,400 likes and more than 500 retweets.

Netizens soon showered praise on both the senior citizen and the doctor.

"Appreciate his feelings. This is not simple rice but blessings from his heart and soul, yielded by his hard work. Thanks for your acknowledgement. Good work wouldn't be stopped by you Dr Urvi," said one user.

Another user named Vivek Pai commented, "Such a touching gesture. Nothing is more valuable than this wonderful expression of gratitude."

"Awww!! Richly deserved, Urvi. I actually have tears in the eyes, can't belive what you must be going through day in and out," said Sayali.Mahashur, another Twitter user.

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