
Delhi Government Launches Awareness Campaign To Prepare People For Earthquakes

Sumanti Sen
31 July 2020 1:27 PM GMT

Regarding steps to be taken before an earthquake, the government said that citizens must check the sturdiness of their home and workplace, consult a structural engineer, and fix cracks and any weaknesses.

The Delhi government on Wednesday, July 29, launched an awareness campaign on the steps to be taken to deal with an earthquake in the city, which witnessed around 18 mild tremors since April.

The government said that the aim of the campaign is to help homes, offices, schools, residential and commercial spaces prepare to deal efficiently with earthquakes.

"The last few weeks have taught us the importance of awareness, preparation, and timely action. That is why your government is announcing a new campaign to prepare the people of Delhi for the unlikely event of an earthquake," NDTV quoted Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal as saying in a statement.

Talking about the 18 mild tremors that have taken place in and around Delhi since April 2020, he said: "Only two of these have been registered above 4, or mild intensity, on the Richter Scale. However, as your chief minister, it is my firm belief that Delhi must always be prepared and aware of any crisis."

"My policy is simple: prepare today to save lives tomorrow. We have compiled useful information that will prepare homes, schools, and workplaces in Delhi, to react to an earthquake emergency with calm and efficiency. Together let us build a Delhi that is prepared to face any crisis," the CM added.

'Dos and Don'ts'' to deal with the situation have also been issued by the government.

Regarding steps to be taken before an earthquake, the government said that citizens must check the sturdiness of their home and workplace, consult a structural engineer, and fix cracks and any weaknesses.

To deal with the situation after an earthquake has taken place, citizens must stay away from windows and tall buildings, and carefully check themselves and their families for injuries before moving.

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