
Hard Work Pays Off! Daughter Of Daily Wager In Kerala Aces UPSC, Secures 481 Rank

Shweta Routh
28 Sep 2021 3:36 AM GMT

27-year-old S Aswathy began seriously considering taking civil service examinations after starting her IT career, and she went about working and studying at the same time. She left a lucrative IT career in 2017 to pursue full-time civil service training.

S Aswathy, a 27-year-old girl from Thiruvananthapuram's Karikkakom and daughter of a construction labourer has achieved her ambition of becoming a civil servant. She passed the UPSC exam in 2020, securing 481st rank. She shared that she was not expecting to pass the exam on her fourth attempt.

A determined Aswathy, however, is preparing for the prelims of this year's examination which is scheduled for October 10. She aspires to be an IAS officer.

"Though I am happy that I cleared the examination, I may get IRS (Indian Revenue Service). As my dream is to become an IAS officer, I am preparing for the upcoming UPSC examination," said Aswathy, as reported by The New Indian Express.

Wishes Are Fulfilled

Since she was in Class VIII, Aswathy wanted to be an IAS officer. She eventually changed her mind and enrolled at Government Barton Hill Engineering College in Thiruvananthapuram to study engineering. In 2015, she was hired by TCS Kochi during her final year.

She began seriously considering taking civil service examinations after starting her IT career, and she went about working and studying at the same time. She left a lucrative IT career in 2017 to pursue full-time civil service training.

Aswathy's father, Premkumar P, stated he was happy with his daughter's performance because her studies were arduous. "My daughter makes me proud. She is a dedicated worker who has excelled in her studies since she was in elementary school," he said, reported The New Indian Express.

PM Modi Congratulates The Toppers Of UPSC

There were 11 Keralites among the top 100.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated the individuals who have passed the UPSC civil services examination.

He also provided some encouraging words for those who had fallen short. He tweeted, "To my young friends who did not pass the UPSC exam, I would like to express my admiration for your abilities. More attempts are on the way. At the same time, India offers a wide range of opportunities that are just waiting to be discovered. Best of luck with whatever you choose to accomplish."

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