COVID Diaries: Rediscovered Love For Music, Became Mindful Of Food Habits, 19-Yr-Old On Recovering From Disease

Image Credits: Ankita Khanrah

Uttar Pradesh

COVID Diaries: 'Rediscovered Love For Music, Became Mindful Of Food Habits,' 19-Yr-Old On Recovering From Disease

Kathakali Dutta
24 May 2021 4:14 AM GMT

Ankita Khanrah took a closer look at her life after recovering from coronavirus. From making mindful choices about spending her time to taking care of her heath, the young woman has been busy improving herself.

COVID-19 has led to unusual changes in the lives of those infected by it including their dear ones. For the ones who have succumbed to the virus, there has been grief and irreparable loss. Meanwhile, some of the people, who fought and survived, are taking a second look at improving their lives after recovery.

19-year-old Ankita Khanrah, from Uttar Pradesh's Noida, has been busy making significant lifestyle changes after recovering from COVID-19. She suffered a severe headache and woke up with a high fever and weakness. On getting her swab sample tested, it was revealed that she had contracted the virus.

During the time she was isolated, she rediscovered her love for music. From making playlists to sharing them with her friends and remaining connected with them digitally, Khanrah filled her time with studying and understanding music genres.

She told The Logical Indian that she was a first-year student and had started her college life in the virtual mode but she used the isolation-time to interact with her college mates and bond with them.

Khanrah said that her friends even helped her with notes on missing online classes due to the inevitable weakness that followed COVID.

"We did google meets, played games together, had Omegle sessions, it was fun. Although I have never met them in person, I have created so many memories with them," she said while explaining that they helped her recover and maintain a positive mindset throughout the phase.

She admitted being ignorant towards her health and food choices in the past. However, she realised the importance of a good diet. The young woman shared that she started taking her everyday decisions—eating habits, spending time, prioritising people, mindfully.

Lastly, she suggested taking a test as soon as one starts to show the symptoms of COVID and to strictly follow all the medications, "If you have symptoms, get tested immediately without making any delays. If you test positive, keep your calm and continue with the prescribed medicines, try to be positive and keep on consulting a doctor regularly," said Khanrah.

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