B.PACs Relief Response In Bengaluru During COVID-19

Image Credits: B.PAC


B.PAC's Relief Response In Bengaluru During COVID-19

Kishan Rao A S
7 Dec 2021 2:12 PM GMT

B.PAC was able to respond to the needs of the vulnerable sections of the society, help them recover and thrive in the present conditions.

The COVID-19 virus has proliferated across the globe causing large-scale destruction to mankind. Though the lockdown measures helped in containing the spread, the devastation it has left in its wake on people's livelihood and their way of life, is immense. We were plunged into an unprecedented situation where the even most experienced and equipped were grappling with ways to cope. The pandemic did expose the cracks in our society's foundation, but it also compelled us to marshal our strength and resilience.

B.PAC had the opportunity to serve the needy during the pandemic with the help of unflinching support that poured in from various organizations and individuals and even local administration that helped to carry out the COVID-19 Relief Response initiative. B.PAC was able to respond to the needs of the vulnerable sections of the society, help them recover and thrive in the present conditions.

Someone has rightly said, kindness can transform someone's dark moments into a blaze of light. In this unprecedented time, when helping one another might get critical to our future; there exists a wonderful group of individuals who extended their helping hands without thinking twice. It was truly a humbling experience & a matter of great honour for B.PAC to have joined hands with all the wonderful organizations and individuals who supported this journey of social cause. B.PAC extends a heartfelt gratitude to all the partners who supported in this journey.

B.PAC was able to conduct multiple COVID-10 vaccination drives across Bengaluru, vaccinating over 15,000 underprivileged citizens. A total of 30,527 grocery kits, 62,347 cooked meals have been distributed among the poor migrant workers across the city and in some inaccessible areas too.

Asha workers, doctors, nurses who are fighting on the frontiers to help the public were equipped with 11,175 face shields, 300 gloves, 500 face masks, 40 PPE kits, and 100 sanitizer bottles. 95 contactless Thermal Scanner (BBMP), 163 oxygen concentrators and 400 oximeters were distributed to various government hospitals to assist in checking the body temperature of hospital personnel, masses, and the staff at government offices. B.PAC also facilitated in supplying 3 free ambulance services and helped in arranging one step-down hospital with 45 bed capacity.

The contributions of our B.CLIP civic leaders who continue to work tirelessly and selflessly in individual capacity are truly noteworthy. They make B.PAC proud when their efforts make the world a better place. This knowledge rejuvenates and strengthens B.PAC's resolve to aim for a better normal.

The pandemic is truly an opportunity to examine all the things that have gone wrong in the recent past and acknowledge the fact that we need to listen to the warning signs more keenly, incorporate and adapt to necessary positive changes. If citizens of Bengaluru come together, their collective problem-solving skills, knowledge and experience can transform the city; and this endeavour must be realised by all.

The future is not preordained for us; it is ours to re-shape. In the face of the crisis, B.PAC remains committed to make an impact that matters, with unity, empathy, and resilience.

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