Small Acts Go Long Way: This Bengaluru Auto Driver Stacks Sanitiser, Toffees, & Band-Aids For His Passengers

Image Credits: Twitter 


'Small Acts Go Long Way': This Bengaluru Auto Driver Stacks Sanitiser, Toffees, & Band-Aids For His Passengers

Laxmi Mohan Kumar
3 Nov 2022 3:41 AM GMT

A tweet about an unexpected act of hospitality shown by a Bangalore auto driver is winning people's hearts online. Stacked up with band aids to chocolates, the drivers mentions how the customer's happiness means everything to him.

Auto drivers in Karnataka are expected to behave in a civil and orderly manner with passengers as per Rules 13 and 16 of the Karnataka Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989. However, Bangalore auto drivers are notoriously known for being indifferent or even inhospitable most times towards their passengers.

It happens to be among the reasons why a good population of Bangalore switched to e-commerce platforms that offer auto and cab services. The issue had often come to light through citizen complaints and unexpected checkings conducted by the Bangalore Traffic Police.

In such a scenario, a Twitter user's post about a Bangalore auto driver's act of kindness is taking the internet by storm. The picture has been making rounds among netizens, who are surprised by the hospitality shown by the driver.

'Meet Rajesh'

Among the countable few drivers who genuinely want their passengers to have a safe and sound experience in their autos is Rajesh. The kindness of the auto driver was brought to the notice by Twitter user Uttam Kashyap.

In the photo posted by Kashyap, the driver Rajesh can be seen smiling along with a set of essentials stacked up in his auto for the passengers. Listing out the products kept in the auto, Kashyap's caption reads, "He kept sanitisers, Band-aids, biscuits, water bottles and some coffee bites chocolate for his travellers.. He told me that customers are everything to him."

Lauding Rajesh's thoughtfulness, Kashyap said that "he made my Friday with his unconditional gesture." At a time when it is rare to see such thoughtful gestures from strangers, Rajesh's act goes a long way. Resonating this same idea were the comments under the post by many users.

Appreciations For The Driver

The hospitality of the driver did not go unnoticed, and many users requested Kashyap to post his auto or contact number to reach out to him.

A user retweeted the post by saying such a provision would be extremely helpful for someone like her whose sugar levels often drop by threatening levels. She also appreciated his mindfulness in keeping bandaids and pointed out that many public transport services do not abide by the regulations to keep a basic first aid kit as a precaution.

Commenting about this, a user stated, "We need a lot of people like him to bring out innovative solutions to everyday problems." Few users also conveyed that they would happily tip the driver for the thoughtfulness he showed.

Also Read: This Working Mother Driving Around Uber With Her Daughter Is Winning Hearts Online

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