Bengaluru Man To Drive 56000 Km To Participate In World Transplant Games, Raising Awareness About Organ Donation

Image Credits: Unsplash (Representational), The Times of India 


Bengaluru Man To Drive 56000 Km To Participate In 'World Transplant Games', Raising Awareness About Organ Donation

Akanksha Saxena
15 April 2022 11:02 AM GMT

Anil Srivatsa donated one of his kidneys to his brother, Dr Arjun Srivatsa, in 2014 when he suffered from a kidney disorder. Five years later, he began taking part in the rare sporting event that promotes the noble endeavour.

Anil Srivatsa is gearing up to drive 56,000 km to take part in the 'World Transplant Games' that will be held in Australia. His journey will begin in Bengaluru on April 20 and cross 17 countries to reach Perth before the event starts in April 2023. He will be accompanied by his wife, Deepali, who will live in the car and cook food to save money.

The World Transplant Games Federation created a one-of-a-kind event to raise awareness about a noble endeavour like organ donation. Recognised by the International Olympic Committee, the sporting extravaganza will promote the importance of health and fitness after receiving or donating a specific organ, encouraging them to stay fit and strong.

Donated A Kidney To His Brother

In 2014, Anil Srivatsa's brother, Dr Arjun Srivatsa, was diagnosed with a kidney disorder. As a result, Anil donated one of his kidneys to rescue him. It was this moment that began his journey in organ donation. Four years later, he took part in the prestigious games to raise awareness about the cause and encourage more people to donate their vital organs to keep their loved ones safe.

His first stint at the World Transplant Games was in 2019 at Newcastle. He participated in the 100-metre race and ball-throw competition, whereas his brother represented India in Golf. Anil won the gold medal in the ball-throw event, and the latter won the same in Golf. That same year, India's contingent in the game consisted of 14 contestants. The following year will increase as 40 participants are slated to participate, including the elder Srivatsa representing India in Golf.

No One Should Die Waiting For An Organ

Before leaving for Perth, Anil Srivatsa drove from Bengaluru to Kashmir. He utilised his time to talk about organ donation and its importance. He told The Times of India, "I reached out to more than 5000 people during the Kashmir drive and even addressed the public during the Ganga aarti in Rishikesh. He will continue doing this even when he is en route to Australia for the following year.

To begin the trip, he will go to New York. His car has already been shipped to the city. Then, he will drive to Houston, after which he will drive up to the Arctic Ocean, following the Pan American Highway to Argentina in South America. Later, his car will be shipped to Sydney in Australia, and he will continue his journey to Perth in the country down under.

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