10-Yr-Old Creates App That Makes Children Aware Of Good Touch And Bad Touch In Playful Manner

Image Credits: Aarish Goel, Pexels


10-Yr-Old Creates App That Makes Children Aware Of 'Good Touch And Bad Touch' In Playful Manner

Tashafi Nazir
24 May 2022 10:27 AM GMT

The ‘Good Touch Bad Touch’ app is a combination of tutorials, quizzes, safety badges, and a four-liner poem which is its crux. It educates children about GTBT in a very playful manner which makes the app extremely child friendly. 

At the age of playing and exploring, a 4th-grade student has created an app that focuses on a very sensitive topic - 'Good touch and Bad touch', but in a playful manner.

Hailing from Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad, Aarish Goel has always been very passionate about coding. His parents have their own venture where they teach kids from 5-10 years about general life skills and value education. 'Good Touch and Bad Touch' was one of the programs within a course that Aarish learned through these classes during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Later, the 10-year-old was enrolled in one of the programs. Utilising this opportunity and the learning from his parents, he created an app for children his age. Initially, he learned about the basics of coding through different videos available online. His interest was well noticed by his parents, who, with the aim, gave him more opportunities and nourished his talent. They wanted their son not only to learn how to code but also to be trained professionally in the subject.

During the course tenure, he amazed everyone with his excellent grasp and understanding, which made his teacher and his parents confident enough to let him appear in the coding competition organised for PAN India.

With this opportunity and the constant guidance of his teachers and parents, he developed the app, which is very informative and deeply insightful.

Child-Friendly App

The 'Good Touch Bad Touch' app is a combination of tutorials, quizzes, safety badges, and a four-liner poem which is its crux. One can choose between the options - to go to the quiz directly or watch the tutorial first.

"We recommend encouraging kids to watch the tutorial as it has pictures which help in memory building," Aarish told The Logical Indian.

"The app has pictures with tutorials in both text and audio form. Pictures help in building long-term memory," he added.

The key reason why this app is suitable for children is the simple language, which makes it very easy to understand. Its unique features help deal with or offer a solution to children who face any abuse.

"Poems are easy to learn for kids and make the tutorial fun. The emphasis is on gaining insights through fun-based learning even when the topics might be a little sensitive," Aarish said.

What Makes The App Different?

It is a combination of all the elements kids love - clip arts, poems, audio and text-based tutorial, simple language, games/quizzes, and a safety badge that the user can win at the end.

The key USP of the app is it teaches sensitive subjects in a fun and thoughtful way, so children understand them better. Most importantly, as it has been designed by a 10-year-old himself, it makes the app unique, relatable, and appreciable.

Aarish wants to pursue higher education and work in the field of computers, coding, and more related to technology, like making apps, learning animations, VFX, or doing product designs.

He also has a YouTube channel where he uploads tutorials for his viewers. In addition, he is a good orator with excellent delivering skills, so simultaneously exploring a line of work in reporting or emceeing or anchoring in future is also a real possibility for him.

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