Unprecedented Bomb Cyclone Hits US & Canada, Millions Affected By Winter Storm; All You Need To Know

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Unprecedented Bomb Cyclone Hits US & Canada, Millions Affected By Winter Storm; All You Need To Know

Ronit Kumar Singh
28 Dec 2022 11:19 AM GMT

More than a dozen people have lost their lives due to severe winter storms in parts of the United States and Canada. Over 25 million people are affected due to power outages and other circumstances.

A large part of the United States and Canada is under the grip of a bomb cyclone that has caused dozens of death and spanned millions of lives under darkness with regular power outages. The affected areas are enveloped in snow, restricting daily activities.

According to reports, the visibility in affected areas has come down to near-zero level, causing numerous accidents on the road. Several flights and trains have also been delayed or cancelled due to severe weather conditions. Environment experts suggest that bomb cyclone is a direct side-effect of worldwide climate change.

What Is Bomb Cyclone?

According to the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a cyclone refers to a weather situation where inward rotating windfalls to the area of low atmospheric pressure.

On the other hand, a bomb cyclone is one that forms rapidly, and it's more about quick formation than strength. In the US and Canada, the bomb cyclone is pulling frigid Arctic air, resulting in a lowering of temperature. The freezing weather due to the bomb cyclone is causing more complications.

Some scientists claim that storms are formed when low-pressure air meets high-pressure mass. In the case of a bomb cyclone, pressure drops in the low-pressure mass by 24 millibars in 24 hours. It increases the pressure differences between the two air masses, intensifying the wind, reported The Indian Express.

How Bomb Cyclone Affected US, Canada?

Due to cold Arctic air, the affected areas of the US and Canada are covered with a thick layer of snow, disrupting people's regular life. According to reports, more than 40 people have lost their lives, and over 25 million people remain affected by power outages.

The deaths have been reported in several states, including New York, Ohio, Kansas, Missouri, and Tennessee. The cause of death is accidents due to poor visibility on roads. Due to power outages, most people have also complained about staying indoors without a heater.

According to officials, more than 500 people were stranded across the US as their vehicles were trapped in the envelope of snow, and some residents were found staying indoors for more than 56 hours in a stretch.

It has also disrupted the travel plans of people who wished to go outside on Christmas and New Year occasions. More than 5,500 flights have been cancelled in the US, and several have been delayed to extreme weather conditions. According to the weather department, the severe climate is expected to give relief by the end of this week.

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