Two Indian Army Officers Honoured With Tenzing Norgay National Adventure Award

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Two Indian Army Officers Honoured With Tenzing Norgay National Adventure Award

Snehadri Sarkar
6 Nov 2021 4:58 AM GMT

The prestigious Tenzing Norgay National Adventure Award, which was earlier known as the National Adventure Awards, is the highest adventure sports honour one can achieve in India.

The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has awarded two Indian Army officers the highly prestigious Tenzing Norgay National Adventure Award. "Indian Army's Lieutenant Colonel Servesh Dhadwal and Colonel Amit Bisht have been awarded the Tenzing Norgay National Award 2020. Dhadwal has been awarded for his skydiving activities," Indian Army officials were quoted as saying by ANI.

Colonel Amit Bisht

Indian Army officer Colonel Amit Bisht was awarded Sena Medal for his landmark achievements. Bisht is currently posted as Principal in Nehru Institute of Mountaineering in Uttrakhand.

So far, the officer has managed to scale more than 20 unscaled and unnamed technical strenuous peaks in India and abroad. Recently, he also achieved the feat of scaling Mount Everest.

Colonel Servesh Dhadwal

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Colonel Servesh Dhadwal was awarded for his attainments in the field of skydiving in 2020.

The highly-skilled skydiving instructor was also a member of the top-secret intelligence unit Technical Support Division (TSD) which was formed after the attacks in Mumbai on 26/11.

Currently acting as the Chief Instructor of the Indian Army Skydiving Team, Colonel Dhadhwal has also provided Skydiving training to Special Forces of the Indian Army and National Security Guards.

So far, the army official has conducted more than 35 Basic and Refresher Skydiving Courses training over 850 individuals with over 5000 skydives in the last five years and more than 7000 skydives since 2008.

He has also acquired numerous different certifications and licenses from the United States Parachuting Association (USPA).

What Is The Tenzing Norgay National Adventure Award?

The highly prestigious Tenzing Norgay National Adventure Award, which was earlier known as the National Adventure Awards, is the highest adventure sports honour one can achieve in India.

The above-mentioned award is named after Tenzing Norgay, one of the first individuals to reach the summit of Mount Everest along with Edmund Hillary back in 1953. This award is handed out every year by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports. Recipients are being honoured for their "outstanding achievement in the field of adventure activities on land, sea, and air" over the past three years.

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