Never Too Young To Make A Difference: Twitter Video Of Children Covering A Manhole Is Winning Hearts Online

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'Never Too Young To Make A Difference': Twitter Video Of Children Covering A Manhole Is Winning Hearts Online

Laxmi Mohan Kumar
6 Dec 2022 11:48 AM GMT

A twitter video posted by an IAS Officer is going viral for a small act of difference made by two children. Instead of walking past a manhole left open in the road, the two children ensure that they do something about it and show everyone how to be responsible citizens.

Goodness is a virtue that doesn't come with an age limit, nor does it lie in monumental acts of difference. Conveying this idea, Awanish Sharan, an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer, tweeted a video that showed two children taking it upon themselves to cover an open manhole on the road.

The small act done out of good conscience would have saved many lives and even sent an important message to authorities and citizens equally. Here's how people are reacting to the video that is now going viral.

School Bags On Shoulder And Responsibility In Hand

Awanish Sharan often shares motivational and informative posts through his social media handles and has kept Twitterati engaged in productive dialogues. A recent video he posted shows two foreign children being responsible citizens and reacting sensibly to a situation that many would have turned a blind eye to.

In the old video that resurfaced, the two children can be seen walking on a busy road when they come across an open manhole. Unlike everyone else present there who went past it, the children decided to do something about the open threat on the road.

Carrying their school bags on their shoulders and big pieces of rocks in their hands, they demarcated the manhole to warn passersby and bring it to the attention of the officials. Many vehicles were seen rushing past the manhole and ignoring the danger ahead on the road. The kids too seemed to be in a rush to reach their school, but they spared a minute to act on their presence of mind and helped prevent many possible accidents.

Reactions And The Bigger Message

The video, captioned "You are never too young to make a difference", conveys a very important message: no one is too young or old to make a difference, and no act of goodness is small in measure. It would benefit a lot more people than we would know and could also ripple into a bigger action.

Since being posted, the video has amassed over 1,97,000 views on Twitter. The children's efforts were appreciated by many netizens, who poured in over 20,000 likes and thousands of retweets. Some users commented that the "youth of that country are guided in the right direction," while others blessed the children for their kind act.

However, the video was not devoid of criticism as people kept sceptically saying that the entire video was scripted and that the children could not have carried such weights. Amidst the criticisms, many missed out on the point of the video and the larger message it conveyed on how a few seconds of mindful action could create a large impact.

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