Back To School! Tamil Nadu Schools Welcome Students With Chocolates, Roses

Image Credit: The Times of India

Tamil Nadu

Back To School! Tamil Nadu Schools Welcome Students With Chocolates, Roses

Pratibha Sahu
1 Nov 2021 12:22 PM GMT

On November 1, offline classes resumed in Tamil Nadu for classes 1 to 8. Some schools distributed chocolates, some welcomed children by giving roses and some gifted stationery items

For many students across various students in India, its back to school after 19 months. With COVID cases on the wane, state governments are slowly resuming offline classes. On Monday, November 1, offline classes resumed in Tamil Nadu for classes 1 to 8.

Some schools distributed chocolates, some welcomed children by giving roses and some gifted stationery items. To make children more, comfortable some schools dressed up their senior students in cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse etc. In many schools, Nagaswaram-Thavil instruments was played, which is used usually during auspicious occasions, including weddings, reported Livemint.

'Decision To Reopen Schools Based On Feedback From Experts'

Chief Minister MK Stalin visited a Chennai Corporation-run institution at Guindy and distributed education kits and sweets to the children. Last month, the State Government announced restarting physical classes for the primary students from November 1, saying the decision was taken based on feedback from medical experts, educationists and parents.

On Saturday, October 30, Stalin called upon schools and teachers to welcome children and dispel their anxiety over COVID. He advised them to opt for stories, playing, singing and painting during the first two weeks of school.

"Even though they are familiar with schools, these students are coming to schools after a great crisis. Though a full stop has been put to Corona, people are still anxious about the virus. The anxiety is especially widely prevalent among schoolchildren. It is our duty to embrace children to dispel their anxiety," Stalin said in a statement.

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