Tamil Nadu

TN Law Student Who Was Questioned For Not Wearing Mask, Assaulted By Police; 8 Cops Booked

Devyani Madaik
22 Jan 2022 6:49 AM GMT

The student was arrested on the charges of slapping a constable, who had stopped him on the road for not wearing a mask while riding a bicycle. He was detained and later thrashed by the police at the station.

Nine police personnel in Chennai were booked for allegedly assaulting a 22-year-old 5th-year law student, Abdul Rahim, inside the station. Rahim was detained for slapping a cop who had questioned him for not wearing a mask while riding.

Youth Stopped For Not Wearing Mask

The development comes from the incident that took place last week, on Friday, in the Kodungaiyur area. A constable had stopped Rahim at MR Nagar near Kodungaiyur for not wearing a mask while riding a bicycle. The discussion turned into a heated argument within no time, and Rahim hit the cop for prohibiting him from going ahead.

Rahim was arrested on the charges of hitting a police officer, detained in the Kodungaiyur police station and allegedly assaulted by the eight police officers. The images of his injuries were widely circulated on social media.

Time News
Time News

Advocates, Law Students Protest

The images drew outrage among the youth, with several advocates and law students of the city staging protest on Thursday, January 20, in Pulianthope, outside the office of the Deputy Commissioner of Police. They also claimed that the police had filed a false case against the youth.

The protestors denounced the police access to Rahim and his treatment in the station and demanded an FIR against them.

Eight Policemen Booked

Hours after the strike, a constable and a head constable were suspended from duty. Later, an FIR was registered against the inspector of police of MKB Nagar all-women police station, Nazeema and eight police personnel, The New Indian Express reported.

Reportedly, the personnel were booked under sections 323 (punishment for voluntarily causing hurt), 324 (voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means), and 294 (b) (sings, recites or utters any obscene song, ballad or words, in or near any public place) of the IPC.

The law student was later released on bail. Speaking to the media, Rahim detailed how the cops had thrashed him continuously and kicked him with boots.

Also Read: TN: Class 12 Student Dies By Suicide Over Forced Conversion To Christianity; Police Yet To Confirm

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