Suicides Increased By 10% in 2020, Accidental Deaths Dipped by 11% : NCRB Study

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Suicides Increased By 10% in 2020, Accidental Deaths Dipped by 11% : NCRB Study

Akanksha Saxena
29 Oct 2021 11:39 AM GMT

The report published by the National Crime Records Bureau accounts for the total number of accidents, deaths and suicides that were recorded in the pandemic-affected year of 2020.

COVID-19 had an adverse impact not just on our physical health, but on our mental health as well. The pandemic turned the world upside down in various ways possible. In light of this, a report published by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) shows some disturbing numbers when it comes to deaths in 2020. According to the study, suicides went up by a staggering 10% last year, while accidental deaths dipped by 11% owing to the countrywide lockdown to fight the deadly virus.

Spike In Numbers

According to the Hindustan Times, the bureau's Accidental Deaths and Suicides report (ADSI) publishes a report every year and has the official numbers regarding suicide and accidental deaths. It covers the period between January and December 2020 and it showed 1,53,032 deaths by suicide. This has been the fourth-highest number since 1967.

The report also analysed the groups of people who comprised these numbers. Students registered a 21.2% increase in deaths this year, compared to the 7-8% deaths they register every other year. After them, the salaried professionals comprised up to 16.5% and daily wage earners at 15.7%. Along with this, the percentage of small businessmen committing suicide was more than that of the professionals.

The cause-wise analysis was also done in the study. Poverty and unemployment registered the most number of deaths in 2020, which were 69% and 24% respectively. Other reasons that came in next were drug abuse (17%), illness (16%), family issues (16%). When it comes to students, the reason behind their suicide deaths was mostly because of the future prospects than of exam pressure.

Lockdown Reduced Accidental Deaths

While suicides saw an unfortunate increase in the pandemic-affected year, deaths by road accidents dipped in 2020. As stated by the report, traffic accidents declined by 11%, the number being 3,74,397 accidental deaths. This is the lowest since 2009, when it was 3,57,021. Death by natural causes also decreased by 9.1% However, an increase was witnessed in the number of deaths by floods, from 948 to 959. The main causes for non-natural deaths consisted of drowning, poisoning, sudden deaths, etc, whose numbers rose up last year.

Also Read: Why Countries Need To Do More To Prevent Suicide?

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