Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Reports Death of 25 Sickest Patients In 24 Hours

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Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Reports Death of 25 'Sickest' Patients In 24 Hours

Akshita Mehta
23 April 2021 6:03 AM GMT

The director said in a statement, "Oxygen will last another two hours. Ventilators and BiPAP (ventilators for invasive treatment) not working effectively. Resorting to manual ventilation in ICUs and Emergency. Major crisis likely. Lives of another 60 sickest patients at risk, need urgent intervention."

25 'sickest patients' at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi have died in the last twenty-four hours. The hospital stated that their oxygen supply would last just two more hours, putting the lives of over 60 patients in jeopardy. On Thursday night, hospital officials sent an SOS to the government, stating that they were about to run out of oxygen and needed immediate assistance.

The director said in a statement, "Oxygen will last another two hours. Ventilators and BiPAP (ventilators for invasive treatment) not working effectively. Resorting to manual ventilation in ICUs and Emergency. Major crisis likely. Lives of another 60 sickest patients at risk, need urgent intervention".

"I would not ascribe the deaths to oxygen shortage. A large number of patients are in serious condition in the hospital. But we are facing severe oxygen shortage, I am told oxygen has reached Delhi's border, should be reaching shortly.", said an official of the hospital in a statement.

At least 500 Covid patients are treated at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, a private hospital in Delhi. According to the hospital, 142 of them are on high-flow oxygen. Following the hospital's SOS, oxygen tankers arrived in the morning. As of today morning, Delhi has 91,618 active Covid Cases and has reported 13193 total Covid deaths until today.

Also Read: Delhi: 35 AIIMS Staff Members, 37 Doctors At Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Test Positive For COVID-19

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