Heartwarming Tale! Single Father Shares How He Took Care Of Pregnant Daughter, Netizens Shower Love

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Heartwarming Tale! Single Father Shares How He Took Care Of Pregnant Daughter, Netizens Shower Love

Tashafi Nazir
11 May 2022 1:26 PM GMT

Delhi-based retired Colonel Sanjay Pande narrated the entire tale in a Twitter thread that has garnered over 10,000 likes and left smiles on people’s faces.

The story of a single father who, after his wife's death, took the responsibility for taking care of his pregnant daughter has gone viral on social media. Retired Colonel Sanjay Pande, a single parent to his daughter, decided to be a mother and fill the gap himself after learning that his daughter was pregnant.

Pande narrated the entire tale in a Twitter thread that has garnered over 10,000 likes and left smiles on people's faces.

Narrated The Tale In A Twitter Thread

Sharing his story in nine tweets, the colonel wrote that just over a year after his wife passed away, his daughter, who lives thousands of kilometres away in the UK, informed him that she was expecting, News18 reported.

However, being a single father, he was clueless about how to provide care to a woman during pregnancy.

The Delhi-based retired Army man wrote that he would have been the "most useless guy around" for his daughter during her pregnancy days. However, he insisted that he was a fighter.

However, instead of lying around, the colonel decided to become his daughter's mother as well. He started researching for a traditional diet to be followed during pregnancy through YouTube videos, his elders, books and everything he could lay his hands on. He prepared a batch of nutritious laddoos which would last for 30 days.

But the biggest issue was the distance. While he lived in Delhi, his daughter stayed in the UK. But Pande found a solution. He vacuum-sealed and froze the laddoos for 96 hours to increase their shelf life before parcelling them to the UK.

"The first lot saved my daughter's life since she was eating nothing," he tweeted. The colonel shared that he sent another batch of laddoos 15 days later and continued to parcel all the healthy food until her daughter's due date.

"All eight months she was fed in the UK what she would have got here," he wrote.

Once the baby was born, the colonel researched the kind of food to be given to a mother post-delivery. He got the ingredients together, prepared the laddoos, and parcelled them. He also visited his daughter after the government lifted COVID-19 restrictions and made a sufficient quantity of food there.

The colonel narrated that he became a master at preparing those laddoos and did not stop parcelling the love to his daughter and now his grandkid as well.

Today, he claimed to have devised "more than 12 laddus that women require for conception to the baby crossing a years of age".

Pande wrote that he was proud that he could provide support for his daughter. He shared that his daughter now prefers laddoos made by him over anything else. He underlined that he had been doing this since January 2019 as his duty and just thought of sharing it on Twitter one day.

Netizens Shower Love

After the Twitter thread went viral, netizens were amazed to read the colonel's sweet tale and left heartening comments to shower their love and respect for the incredible father.

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