Network Disruption And $7 Billion Down! Facebook Suffers Longest Global Outage Ever

Image Credits: Facebook, Pixabay


Network Disruption And $7 Billion Down! Facebook Suffers Longest Global Outage Ever

Tashafi Nazir
5 Oct 2021 6:41 AM GMT

Zuckerberg slipped to the 5th rank in the billionaires' list and was also knocked down a notch on the world's wealthiest people list after Facebook stocks plunged due to the six-hour-long outage.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's personal wealth went down drastically as he lost about USD 7 billion in just a span of few hours following the whistleblower's revelation and global outages that hit Facebook and its flagship products such as WhatsApp and Instagram.

With this, Zuckerberg slipped to the 5th rank in the billionaires list and was also knocked down a notch on the world's wealthiest people list after Facebook stocks plunged due to the outage. With a net wealth of USD 121.6 billion, the social media giant went behind Bill Gates.

Zuckerberg previously ranked third place on Bloomberg's Billionaires Index. On Monday, the stocks of Facebook fell by 5 per cent, adding to a 15 per cent decline since mid-September, Bloomberg reported.

Zuckerberg Apologises

Zuckerberg offered a personal apology to the millions of users for the disruption in the services of Facebook, Whatsapp, and Instagram. He assured that the services will be resumed on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, WhatsApp took to microblogging site Twitter apologising for the outage and assured to get it to work again as soon as possible.

Thousands of users, including those in India, complained of not being able to log in to these three digital platforms around 9 PM on Monday., October 4.

No Specific Reason

Facebook did not specify any specific reason for the global outage. However, a tweet shared by Instagram said, "Instagram and friends are having a little bit of a hard time right now, and you may be having issues using them. Bear with us, we're on it! #instagramdown".

Several Facebook employees said that the outage resulted from an internal routing mistake to an internet domain, compounded by failures of internal communication tools and other resources that depend on the same domain to work.

As per the official data, India has 53 crore WhatsApp users, 41 crore Facebook users, and 21 crore Instagram users.

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